I just got a whole box of new goodies from Studio Sparta today, which is Spartan Game’s new direct-only service. This order included the new Invaders (i.e., Martians a la H. G. Wells) and the much-anticpated ground combat extension of Firestorm Armada, called Firestorm Invasion. As you will see, the models are up to Spartan’s usual high standards!
Here is the contents of the box. The Invaders were just loose in their bubble wrap, while the Invasion models came in white cardboard boxes with glossy slip covers.
First up are the two large tripods. The bodies are reason, while all of the leg pieces, the central hub they connect to, and two weapons mounts are made of metal. The detailing has a very nice insectoid feel to it.
There are also 3 smaller tripods. For these, the only metal parts were the legs.
These are the 3 medium flyers, which were all done in metal (similar to the bombers of other factions in DW).
There is also one large flyer, on a 2-peg flight stand. The body is resin while the two appendages (weapons?) are metal.
Finally, there are the tiny flyer tokens, and boy are there a lot (I counted 30)! These retain the flying insect look of the medium and large flyers.

Firestorm Invasion: Dindrenzi
The FI boxes came literally packed to the gills with cool stuff.I was all so well packed, I had a heck of a time getting everything to fit back in after taking the pictures!
First up for the Dindrenzi are these heavy tanks, which have metal main guns that have yet to be installed:
These are the APCs, which look like they are sized to carry the light mechs we’ll see in a second:
Speaking of the mechs, here they are:
Also included where 4 multi-part flyers, and a set of defensive emplacements:

Firestorm Invasion – Terrans
Interestingly, the Terran and Dindrenzi boxes are not direct mirrors of each other, as Spartan does with its other systems. The Terran box had no less than 9 of these awesome tank models:
The number of APCs was the same, but there were 2 more light mechs:
There was also 4 defensive positions, just like for the Dindrenzi:
However, the Terrans only get one flying model, but boy is she a beauty! This is probably my favorite model between the two box sets:
So, there you have it! This looks like a very strong start for Studio Sparta. I can’t wait to see what their next releases are going to be. Looks like my painting que is going to be getting longer and my wallet a bit lighter!