MadDrB has already shared his observations on the event as the organizer, so I thought I would chip in a few words as one of the participants! This is just kind of a few general thoughts; I’ll try to get some reports on the three games I played put up later.
First off, I found the team format to be a fun way of breaking up the scenarios; getting to trade off between land and sea games was a fun way of making each game seem unique and prevented there from being any feeling of monotony.
Second, the use of Campaign points and a “control” mechanic (whereby a player had to have units near a point on the board to control or contest a point) made the post-game calculations much easier to handle for both the players and the organizers.
Third, it was great to once again see a lot of new players joining in the fun, along with a few old hands. I especially enjoyed getting to teach Zach, one of the GV employees, how to play the game (this involved letting his Ika munch one of my frigates!). It was also nice meeting and talking with some of the guys that came from the Iron Fist League, who were also trying their hand at the game.
As always, there were a couple of things that could have been improved upon. For example, the event started a bit late and the lunch break ran a little long. This caused the later rounds to be a bit compressed. However, this delay was necessary to allow some more players arrive, so I think it was worth it. Also, I think that going forward, there could probably be a couple of additional secondary objectives for the missions, to tighten things up a bit. Still though, these were minor quibbles 0n what was otherwise an excellent time. Can’t wait for the next one!
Here is a gallery of the pictures I took before and during the event: