As I mentioned on the forums, I recently backed a Kickstarter for a new sci-fi miniatures game called Quantum Expanse, made by Forge Craft Games. The rules for the game have some interesting features, such as “hidden” deployment that provides an interesting fog of war element to thegame. Last week, I finally got my hands on the box of goodies I ordered, so I thought I would share!
The main box contains all of the ship miniatures, as well as a few additional goodies like some faction themed dice and the cardboard counters needed to play the game. The two separate blisters contain resin versions of some of those cardboard counters, namely the fighter wing tokens and the stealth counters that can be used to obscure the real location of a ship.
Here are the contents of the box. Lots of minis! Included here are a variety of ship classes, including dreadnoughts, carriers, battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. As you might be able to see from this pic, all of the models are fairly flat in profile. This was a conscious decision on the part of Forgecraft, to allow them to sit flat on the table if the players decide not to use flight stands. Speaking of which, the models do not come with flight stands, thought the models do have a small hole on their undersides to allow mounting if desired.
Here is one of the Dreadnoughts, which makes it one of the larger models in the range. As you can see, the detail quality is quite nice; I would put it at about the level of the first round of models Spartan Games put out for the launch of Firestorm Armada. The material itself is very nice, too; the resin is very dry, and feels quite rigid. I would say it is denser overall than the resins I’ve seen from Spartan or GW/Forge World, and is more in line with some of the resin model kits I’ve built.
Here are the resin fighter tokens that I picked up to replace the cardboard counters that are included with the game. These are quite nice, easily on par with the tiny flyer tokens that Spartan has made for DW. The fighters themselves are very reminiscent of the Vipers from Battlestar Galactica, which is pretty neat!
Here are the faction dice. This game is interesting in that the various factions in the game all use the same models; part of the fluff is that all the factions buy their ships from the same private companies. So, I thought it would be fun to have the dice to help differentiate the sides during the game. I only got 2 of each, as the rules never require more than 2D6 to be rolled at one time.
Overall, I’m very happy with my purchase! I’ve got a boatload of nice, new sci fi models to paint, and the game rules themselves look very interesting. I’ll post more when I’ve had more time with the rules!
I’m curious if you ever got around to play this game. Is it good? Some of their models look great, others are blah. I’ve used some of QE’s Chimera Cruisers as makeshift proxies for Terran ships, or STL Trader “Opportunity” Cruisers for FSA.
Sadly, I never did get a chance to really play this one. Shortly after I got the ships, I deployed for 7 months, and when I got back I was more interested in catching up on games like DW and FSA. I still have them, though! I’m thinking of using some of them as test beds for airbrushing techniques.