Hail, fellow naval gamers!
Welcome to this month’s newsletter. For those of you who have not visited in a while, you will notice there have been a number of changes made to the boards. I’ve re-arranged some sections, and moved others. Essentially, I am trying to emphasize the sections of the forum that are used most often. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the changes by email or private message!
To start off, congratulations to Dale who was selected for the Spartan Vanguard program!
The Firestorm Armada sub-forum continues to see a lot of action! Be sure to check out the short battle report I put together for my first game of FA 2.0:
The Dystopian Wars section has not been quiet by any stretch, either. Last Rites has started an interesting new Mediterranean campaign:
And, don’t forget about the blog; I’ve made several posts there regarding my Firestorm Armada campaign project:
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.