First things first…Don’t forget that now is the time to get your submission in for the 2015 Painting Contest! There are not quite 3 weeks left. Another reminder will be emailed out a week before the deadline, for all you procrastinators out there :). Here is the official submission thread:
What a month it has been. Thankfully, it seems that the technical difficulties we encountered a couple of weeks back have been finally beaten back! Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and support you provided during that time. Despite those issues, there has been a lot going on!
First of all, discussion on Spartan Games’ new licensed Halo games has continued:
Of interest to all Firestorm players out there, member Stephan has been working on a campaign to get updated Firestorm model shapes added to the Battlefoam tray creator. Please take a look if you would like to help:
There has been some good discussion on the proper use of Dystopian Wars battlecruisers recently:
There has also been a recent announcement by Spartan Games that they will be releasing a lot of new background material for the Firestorm universe:
Next, member Stephan is also working on a B5 mod for the Firestorm Armada game engine. He needs playtesters, so please take a look!
In the Community section, a new club has been created: BANG, the Boston Area Naval Gamers!
As always, the Shipyard has been busy, with lots of new work in progress pictures being posted over the last month:
In the Showcase, several members have put up some impressive work. Be sure to look at Dan’s WWII ships!
Creon has also put up an impressive fleet shot of his Dystopian Wars French fleet:
And please welcome our newest members!
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.