Greetings fellow Naval Gamers!
There are many things to catch you up on; the past month has been very active on both the forums and the blog!
Let’s start with the forums. First, I would like to announce the creation of two new boards. With all the information that has been coming out regarding the new Halo miniatures games, it seemed like the time was right to give these games their own sub-forum in the Spartan Games boards:
Next up, the new PC game World Of Warships has been consuming not only a lot of my free time, but the free time of several other members. There has been some interest in getting a MBS clan going, so I have also created a new sub-forum for the game. If you are interested in what WoWS is about or are interested in joining the clan, please check it out:
There has also been a few active threads recently. Lots of new pics showing the models for Dropfleet, the spaceship game set in the DZC universe, have been released. Very pretty models!
Forum member Stephan has also been working to organize a MBS contingent for next year’s Adepticon trip, so take a look if interested!
In case you might have missed it, Major McNichol did a great write-up for a recent DW game that we played:
There have been several good reades in the Firestorm Armada forums as well, including ones discussing some rules for Planetfall, the value of the Veydreth as a faction, and an interesting article on Terran cruiser development:
In the Showecase, Landlubber has posted a few shots of some islands he painted for DW, and I’ve put up some pictures for some FA ships I just finished:
There has been quite a lot going on with the blog, as well! In addition to several in-depth articles on unit types for DW and FA cruisers, I’ve also been adding a few features to the blog. For example, there is now a blog roll so that I can showcase links to some other really great websites and blogs (if you know of one to add, let me know!). Also, I have adjusted the Archives to take up less space on the screen. Check out the new features and see what you think!
And, finally, the Man Battlestations Facebook page is now live. Please stop buy and give a Like!
I will be posting thinks from the forums and blog on the FB page, so you now have another way of keeping up with the happenings on MBS. If you are not a fan of FB, though, don’t worry; no “new” content will be put up on FB without first being posted on the blog or forums.
Until next month!
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.