It’s here! It’s finally here! After months of delays, the second wave of releases for Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars Armada has arrived. I got my shipment yesterday, and decided to snap a few pictures while I was unboxing everything. Lets take a closer look at all this new Star Wars goodness, shall we?
Imperial Star Destroyer
This has to be the highlight of the wave for me. I’ve always been a big fan of the ISD, and this model does it justice! I can’t get over how BIG this thing is; it makes the Victory-class look small in comparison. I noticed that the ISD is using a new, larger base size than what has been seen previously in the game, which is interesting.
Home 1
Next up is the major Rebel release from this wave, Admiral Ackbar’s flagship the Home 1. Interestingly, the card for this ship actually designates it as the MC80 cruiser instead of the named ship, so no problems there with taking more than one in a game!
Imperial Raider
Next up is the smallest Imperial ship yet, the Raider. This little guy is neat looking, and definitely looks like it is designed for escort duties; one version of it gets two black dice against squadrons. Yikes!
MC30 Frigate
Next up is another Mon Calamari ship for the Rebels, the MC30. This fast little ship has a lot of firepower to its sides, which is a nice synergy with both the Home 1 and the Rebel Assault Frigate from the previous wave.
Rogues and Villains
Last but not least, it’s the Rogues and Villains pack! These are actually squadrons, and come on standard Armada squadron bases. These are neat little ships, each one based off a famous ship from the movies or EU.

Interestingly, to my eye the ships in the Rogues and Villains pack seem to be roughly in scale with the smaller capital ships, like the Corellian Corvette here.

Of course, we all know that this is the one we really wanted! The detail on this tiny Falcon is very nice…FFG even got the small radar dish on there!
Until next time!
- Sing it with me now: BUM BUM BUM BUM BA DUM, BUM BA DUM!!!
- I shall call him….Mini Me.
- New, larger base size!
- The two heavy hitters! Note that the MC80 uses the same large base that the ISD does.
- Of course, we all know that this is the one we really wanted! The detail on this tiny Falcon is very nice…FFG even got the small radar dish on there!
- Interesting, to my eye the ships in the Rogues and Villians pack seem to be roughly in scale with the smaller capital ships, like the Corellian Corvette here.
- The Family Resemblance to the MonCal cruiser is obvious…
- The Imperial Raider is certainly sleek and deadly looking!
- Size-wise, it appears to be the Imperial answer to the Corellian Corvette.
- It’s a Trap!
- Just for fun, here is the new Home 1 up against a similar MonCal ship from the old SW ship CMG.
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