Greetings once again! Today, I have a Halo battle report for you written by Landlubber. You can find the original version on the forums. Without further ado:
TO: Commander, 19th Fleet
FROM: Operations Division, 19th Fleet
SUBJECT: After Action Report–Omicron Station engagement
1. Executive Summary. Vice-Admiral (VADM) Stanforth moved combined elements of Task Force 169 and Task Force 408 to Omicron Station (Sector Three) for reconnaissance (see Image 1). (Operations note: Omicron Station was abandoned last year after coolant leaks were discovered in the station’s main power core. No repair personnel were available at the time to repair the leaks, so the station was evacuated.) VADM Stanforth was under orders to scan Omicron Station and determine status of station power core. On arrival, one Covenant ORS-class heavy cruiser was detected behind a nearby planetoid. (ONI note: this vessel is likely the Eternal Entropy.) VADM Stanforth moved UNSC forces to engage the ORS, and were ambushed on both flanks by Covenant battlegroups led by CCS-class cruisers. UNSC losses were as follows: one heavy carrier (UNSC Everest), three heavy cruisers (UNSC Ku, Agurzil, and Minerva); 12 frigates.
2. Synopsis. Upon arrival in vicinity of Omicron Station on 8 February, VADM Stanforth deployed his fleet in standard Beta-pattern dispersal formation. The two center battlegroups began to close with the planetoid in order to engage the ORS, while two flanking battlegroups maneuvered to get behind the ORS. Covenant forces quickly emerged from slipspace on the flanks (see Images 2 and 3) as VADM Stanforth angled his ships to bring MACs to bear on the ORS.
While the ORS kept the planetoid between itself and the majority of VADM Stanforth’s MACs (see Image 5), the two CCS-led battlegroups decimated the UNSC ships in front of them. The Covenant were able to deploy outside of MAC line-of-sight and were able to shoot down the majority of incoming missiles.
VADM Stanforth lost three cruisers and numerous frigates, mostly to direct-fire plasma weapons. Boarding actions occurred on both sides, but were ineffective. The lone Spartan assault soldier assigned to VADM Stanforth’s fleet was rendered ineffective after the cruiser carrying his Pelican was destroyed. After the UNSC Everest was destroyed by long-range plasma fire (see Image 6), VADM Stanforth ordered a general retreat.
3. Analysis. The Covenant fleetmaster anticipated that VADM Stanforth would pursue an apparent lone ORS, and sprung his trap as soon as VADM Stanforth took the bait. The Everest and three of the cruisers were never able to bring their MACs to bear on any target. VADM Stanforth deployed his force too spread-out to provide support or to allow for maneuver against a flanking enemy; he also placed the cruiser carrying his lone Spartan in the center of the battlegroup, thereby ensuring that the Spartan was never able to deploy against any Covenant vessels. These multiple errors led to the loss of over 50% of the combat strength of VADM Stanforth’s fleet, to include all but one of his capital vessels. Damage inflicted by UNSC forces on the Covenant include severe damage against one CCS battlecruiser; however, VADM Stanforth failed to destroy any Covenant forces encountered at Omicron Station.
4. Actions taken. Due to his inexplicable tactical errors, VADM Stanforth will be placed in an administrative position at Fleet HQ for the indefinite future. Lord Hood will take over command of all forces in Sector Three, effective immediately. Special recognition is due for LCDR van Pelt, who led his frigate squadron to engage with the ORS’ corvette escort. While LCDR van Pelt was not able to destroy the corvettes, he gathered valuable imagery intelligence on the ORS itself (see Image 7), at great personal risk to his squadron.
Additionally, a Court of Inquiry has been ordered to investigate the munitions plant that supplies UNSC forces in Sector Three with missile ordnance, as VADM Stanforth wrote in his report that several missile volleys failed to do any damage to the Covenant ships, and he is almost certain that at least 20% of his missile stock were either duds or inert.
5. Distribution. Distribution of this report is cleared for all command and general staff officers in Sector Three. A copy will be furnished to Earth HQ and ONI.
So, this was a matchup between myself and Ulric the Grey at Gamer’s Haven this evening. I played the UNSC, and as you can see it was not a pretty engagement.
Many thanks to Ulric for being gracious in defeat (last week when my Spartan boarded his undamaged ORS and caused a critical core breach, ending the game) and in victory (tonight when he got his revenge).
Thanks for reading!