Another busy day! I started off manning the ModCube booth again this morning. At noon, I shifted over to playing Seapower, an age of sail game that uses 15mm ships!
After that, I took a short break to demo War at Sea for Greg. He really enjoyed it, so it seems likely we will be reviewing it on the show in the near future.
Then I jumped in on a couple sessions of a multiplayer videogame called Artemis. In this game, each person acts as a member of a starship’s bridge crew, like on Star Trek. I got to play the weapons station, and it was awesome! I would definitely recommend it. Afterwards, I made a trip through the vendor hall and picked up a number of items, including a few new Star Trek Attack Wing ships. I finished up with a demo of a new game that is releasing this August, which I can’t talk about until Monday ;).
Tomorrow ow is my big Firestorm Armada day, so I will need to cut this a little short to get some rest. Until next time!