Spartan recently ran a promotion to give away free terrain for DW for orders over 50 pounds, and it sounded too good to pass up! Since I have a lot of ships already, I’ve been turning my attention to the area of terrain. My shipment just arrived, so lets take a look and see what we get.
The Coastal Rocks set includes a series of rocky islands, from decent size (about 2-3 inches) down to the tiny; one rocky pinnacle is barely a quarter of an inch to a side (see the lower left of the picture above). Also included is a set of shoals or sand bars. Interestingly, a number of acrylic bases were included. Some of these were clearly designed for the shoals, but the rest looks like they can either be used to represent areas of shallower water on the table, or else be painted and flocked to be used as bases for smaller islands themselves. Not sure what I’m going to do with mine yet!
The 4 largest islands all have installations of some sort on them; a lighthouse complex, a round tower, a dome like structure, and what appears to be a miniature airship mooring tower. This should make them great scenario pieces! The casting quality on these is great; there was very little clean-up to do, no air pockets to worry about, and the detail is up to the usual Spartan standard of excellence.
Size wise, all of these pieces are around the size of a medium model. As such, they will be dwarfed on the table by most medium and large models, and may benefit by being placed on a larger base of some sort to “beef up” their presence.
All in all, there is a lot of neat stuff in this set! By itself, this set is not really enough terrain to give good coverage to an entire 4’x6′ table. However, there are some neat features that could make them cool scenario pieces, and they would work great to use as accent pieces for larger terrain features.
These free islands weren’t the only thing I picked up! I also grabbed one of the Industrial Complexes that Spartan sells. My friend, forum member CDR-G, has one that I’ve seen in person, so I knew what I was getting here. While it was intended to be a big feature on a land-based table, it can easily work as a large island in its own right!
And that will do it for now; I need to get painting! Until next time….
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