Greetings! It’s been another great month for MBS. Here is a summary of all that’s been going on.
First up, Episode 12 of the MBS podcast is available for your listening pleasure!
Along with Episode 12, the latest monthly poll is up for you to vote in. This time around, Landlubber and I are asking for your feedback on the podcast!
Also on the blog:
-A post I did on some cool DW terrain I received recently:
-Some pondering on Star Trek Attack Wing:
-Torpedoes in DW Histroicals:
-A closeout of the first BFG Vassal campaign:
In the forums, the latest developments with Spartan Games have been a topic of considerable discussion:
The Dystopian Wars forum has seen a lot of discussion on the recently announced Kickstarter:
The Firestorm Armada board has been abuzz with some of the shake-ups happening with the playtest group for the game, along with discussions on how to branch out from a patrol box:
In the Space gaming section, the new hotness from Hawk wargames, Dropfleet Commander, is upon us!
The Historical section has seen some great posts from Yarkshire Gamer on his WWI ships, while Charbe86 has been asking for help with finding an Age of Sail ruleset he can use:
Finally, be sure to stop by the Showcase and take a look at the great work Sailion has posted there!
Until next time!