![MBS Newsletter #32](http://www.manbattlestations.com/blog/wp-content/postavatars/subavatarsmall.jpg)
Greetings! It’s time for this month’s MBS newsletter!
Episode 15 of the MBS Podcast is live! This month, Greg and I are joined by Damion from the Hot LZ Podcast to discuss all things Dropfleet Commander:
Don’t forget to vote in this month’s poll! The question this time is how often a game system needs new releases to stay relevant:
Also on the blog, I have an event report from the recent DFC tournament I played in, as well as my impressions of the game:
I also have a Firestorm Armada batrep up, as well as my thoughts on some of the Adepticon Spartan Games primer missions:
On the forums, there has been some good discussion in the General forum on obscure games, and the What Are You Reading topic:
The Dystopian Wars board has been seeing a lot of discussion recently with all the new previews from Spartan Games:
The Space Gaming forum has seen some intersting discussion on game mechanics recently, as well as on DFC:
And make sure to stop by the Showcase and take a look at some beautiful work that has recently been added by Quickdraw and forum new-comer Speedbird!
Finally, don’t forget that the 2017 MBS Painting contest has started! The submission window closes on April 1st, so get your entries in. You can find the details here:
Until next time!