As part of my continued preperations for Adepticion, I’ve been working on coming up with my list for the DW tournament. I plan on once again running my Prussians, though I am planning on painting up some new models for my force.

The Donnerfaust support cruisers attempt to interject themselves between the FSA and the Sturmbringer in a brave, but ultimately futile, gesture.
The List
Here is what I came up with:
1250 Pts – Prussian Empire Force
Prussian Naval Battlegroup
1 Elbe Class Fleet Carrier, 220 pts = (base cost 210) + Elite Crew 10
1 Kaiser Karl Class Heavy Battleship (Commodore’s Model), 240 pts = (base cost 225) + Elite Crew 15
1 Königsberg Class Battlecruiser, 115 pts = (base cost 110) + Aggressive Crew 5
3 Uhlan Class Cruisers, 195 pts = 3 * 65
4 Arminius Class Frigates, 120 pts = 4 * 30
5 Saxony Class Corvettes, 100 pts = 5 * 20
1 Rhine Class Assault Carrier, 140 pts = (base cost 130) + Elite Crew 10
4 Arminius Class Frigates, 120 pts = 4 * 30
Validation Report:
Composition Rules: Commodores, Core Force Percentage, Force Model Size Percentages, Local Support; Core Force Type: Naval
Force satisfies all enforced validation rules
Composition Report:
Large Squadron Pecentage: 48% (0 – 60)
Medium Squadron Pecentage: 25% (0 – 60)
Small Squadron Pecentage: 27% (0 – 40)
Non-Core Squadrons: 0% (0 – 40)
Created with Army Builder® – Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
As you can see, I decided to go with the basic Prussian battlegroup, filled out with the Rhine assault carrier and another squadron of Frigates. This gives me a total carrier value of 15, which seems pretty decent. Along with the local support, this also gives me 13 activations, which is by no means an exceptionally high number but is still respectable. In addition, taking the naval battlegroup will allow me to have access to the Tally Ho! TAC card, which could come in handy in several different tactical situations. You will also notice that I’ve taken crew upgrades where I could, as I hope to use boarding to good effect during the event, especially in the second scenario when the primary objective requires boarding neutral Sturginium platforms. I’m also looking to put a lot of the smalls and some of the mediums into an Advance force for some of the scenarios, which will hopefully get them into the fight faster.
So, there you have it! My first pass at a list for the DW event. I’m hopeful I’ll be able to get in at least one practice game with this list before Adepticon, so that I can try it out and make changes if needed. If I do, I’ll definitely post about it here, so stay tuned! Until next time…