Greetings! As you may have noticed, this is actually going up on Friday; I’m going to be about a day behind on my update posts. Anyway, here are the highlights of my first day at Adepticon!
Dystopian Wars Tournament
I’ll do a more detailed event report on this one next week. Suffice to say, it was a blast, and I had a great time! I wound up coming in 3rd place in the event, which is a lot better than I expected to do! There were some great players and some awesome looking fleets in attendance.
Halo Fleet Battles
The HFB tournament was going on at the same time as the DW tournament:
New Firestorm Armada Previews
Spartan Linde was able to bring some not-yet released FSA models:

Here are the new Trader models for FSA; Opportunity class cruisers (right) and Prosperity class carriers (left).
Vendor Hall Goodies
I was also able to make a quick swing through the vendor area. Here are some of the cool things I spotted:

Dropfleet ahoy! There was a limited number of corvette blisters for sale, but unfortunately no word on the new light cruisers or battle cruisers.
That will about do it for Day 1! I’ll have the summary up for Day 2 tomorrow.
That diorama at the Iron Heart Artisans booth looks fantastic.
The starfighter game is Star Crush from Crucible Crush (https://www.cruciblecrush.com/content/). The miniatures apparently are designed for use in other games or with Crucible Crush’s ruleset. They look cool, but there aren’t too many designs.
Cool stuff!
But you got me curious there writing about new Dropstuff
“Dropfleet ahoy! There was a limited number of corvette blisters for sale, but unfortunately no word on the new light cruisers or battle cruisers.”
Light cruisers? 😮
Yeah, Hawk is doing a special UCM web-only light cruiser. I was hoping they would have an example model at the con, but no joy!