Welcome back! Here is the run-down of how my second day of Adepticon went.
Blood & Plunder
I made today my main shopping day, and I found all kinds of neat stuff. First off is the new hottness, Blood and Plunder. I got a demo in, and it was entertaining. It is clear that the game is, at its heart, an infantry skirmish game. The naval combat is very much simplified, though it still covers enough of the reality of the times to get the point across!

Also on display were these islands and shoals for the game. These are made of the same rubber material that the FAT mats are, and look great! I want some for Dystopian Wars.
Firestorm Armada Narrative Event
The Flashpoint Amber campaign kicked off in style Friday night! The playing area for the game was quite large.
That’s all for today! Not much to show, as this was sort of my day “off” from organized events. I’ll be back tomorrow with a rundown of Day 1 of the Firestorm Armada championships!