Hello once again! I’m back with my somewhat delayed recap of days 3 and 4 of Adepticon 2017.
Schaumburg Prime Offensive FSA Tournament
As with the DW tournament from Day 1, I’m not going to dwell too long on this event here as I plan on doing a separate, more detailed write up in its own post. Suffice to say, there was a good turn-out (14 players on 7 tables) and I had three awesome games!
Planetfall Display Board
This awesome 4’x8′ Planetfall display board was set up in the Spartan gaming area of the gaming hall. I was rather startled to discover that I failed to take any shots of the overall board, but these closeups should tell you all you need to know about how awesome it was!

Halo Ground Command
There were also plenty of Ground Command demos set up and running over the course of the weekend:
Day 4: FSA Tournament Round 2
Suffice to say, I did not make it into the top 8 players and continue on to the second day of the FSA tournament. However, when I stopped by, it looked like a lot of tense, high-level play was going on, and the word from Josh is that it was a down to the wire finish!
And there you have it! My apologies for the delay with getting this post up, and for the lack of pictures from Day 4; towards the end of Saturday, I started to come down with a really bad cold that basically knocked me out all day on Sunday, to the point where I decided to skip my BFG tournament. Maybe next year! In the meantime, I will be putting up detailed reports on the FSA and DW tournaments I did play in, so stay tuned!