After a brief hiatus, the MBS newsletter is back!
In the latest episode of the MBS podcast, Greg and Andy discuss trends with naval gaming components, and the basics of custom 3D printed minis from Shapeways:
Also, Andy has put out the first couple of episodes of the newly independent Ruckdog’s Report. In Episode 2, he and Dale are discussing all things Star Trek:
If you haven’t yet, make sure to stop by the forums to participate in the monthly poll! This month, we are asking all of you to tell us about your most memorable gaming moments from 2017:
In the Dystopian Wars section of the forums, there has been some interesting discussion on the changes hinted at by Warcradle:
In the Firestorm sub-forum, Wanjajoral has been continuting to plug away at his Firestorm Taskforce cards project:
There has also been a lot of great work being shown in the Showcase sub-forum from the likes of Easy E, Whyarecarrots, and Brimat. Stop by and take a look at their amazing work!
Did you know? There is now an MBS YouTube channel! So far, it is focused on the World of Warships video game, but there are plans to expand the scope of the content to include other video games as well as tabletop subjects:
And finally, don’t forget there are still campaigns being discussed for both Firestorm and Dystopian Wars! They have not started yet, but if they are of interest to anyone out there make sure to head on over and let everyone know!
Until next time!
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team