Greetings! It’s time for the MBS Newsletter!
First, the Podcast. Episode 26 of the MBS Podcast is available, where Greg and I welcome Josh Linde back to the show to talk Adepticon and to review the game Fleet Commander Genesis by Capsicum Games:
Also available is Ruckdog’s Report #3, where I talk about figuring out what to cover where!
This month’s forum poll is all about Star Wars! Which space battle from Star Wars is your favorite? Stop by and let us know! Don’t forget, your responses will be discussed on the next episode of the MBS podcast:
On the blog, I’ve made a couple of posts to talk about how my 2017 Naval Gaming predictions turned out, and to offer some predictions for 2018:
Elsewhere on the forums, there has been a lot of talk in the What Are You Reading thread about the Expanse series lately!
In the Firestorm Armada sub-forum, there has been some good discussion on what might be a good approach for the 3rd edition of the game:
Also, Wanjajoral has been continuing to work on his Taskforce card project:
In the Dystopian Wars section, CDR-G is pondering the relative worth of the Lahn vs. the Donnerfaust. Stop by and add your voice to the discussion!
In the Misc. Naval Games forum, Easy E is looking for some alternative models for use with Aeronef. Any suggestions?
And last but not least, the 2018 Painting Contest is almost here! The submissions window will officialy open on 30 January. In the meantime, feel free to read up on the official rules, which can be found on the 2018 Painting Contest home page here:
You can also discuss them on the painting contest sub-forum here:
That will about do it for this month! I’ll be sending out another short message once the painting contest starts. Until then, happy painting.