Warcradle held a Q&A session today via Facebook and Twitch, where they put out all kinds of new information and some new renders as well. You can find the original video here, and below I’ve summarized the notes I took during the session. Note that these are my notes, and not a direct transcription of what was said during the Q&A; as such, don’t take everything I’ve said below as 100% gospel truth! At the end of the post, you can also find the renders that they put up on screen during the discussion. I haven’t included the WWX renders, as I forgot to screen-shot them! Anyway, here is what I took down:
- WWX etc Role Play?
- WC is intersted in it, good story/narrative opportunity
- WWX Rules Translations?
- WC in final stages of Spanish translation.
- French and German are pretty far along.
- Hard vs. Softcover WWX Rule Books
- Hardcover allows for “long form” rules
- Game modes, scenarios, etc
- Background is striving to be even-handed between WWX and DW
- Hardcover allows for “long form” rules
- Will there be more regularity to sneak peak videos?
- Trying to improve production values
- Understand not all folks do videos, working on blog
- Next week will be a blog post with a summary of the Q&A and new preview pics
- WWX: Preview of a Tainted Biology posse.
- WWX: Preview of a Conquistadors posse.
- WWX: TX-01 Automata concept art
- High-end robot, custom built by Tesla
- Will be pressed into service by Union
- Armed with shield, electo-batan, and electro-carbine
- A version of this might pop up in Covenant forces in other parts of the world.
Dystopian Wars
- Rules
- Quite far on playtesting
- Derek & Josh are pretty far along on draft rules
- Working to maintain continuity between Spartan DW and WC
- Not a direct continuation, but trying to remain true to the enjoyable elements of the original DW
- Public beta in Summer, still not an exact time.
- More announchements in the “Next few weeks” on the timing of the Beta
- WC is trying to get things as polished as possible in Alpha
- Players will be able to give feedback, and changes may be made to the rules before release based on that feedback.
- Exploding D6
- Its an ingrained mechanic
- Exploding D6s are definitely staying in the game
- Plastics?
- Yes, WC is working on plastic ships.
- WC wants to make plastics a part of the DW line going forward.
- Want to make the plastics as good as possible so they will last the test of time.
- Yes, WC is working on plastic ships.
- Any DWars concept art?
- French battleship
- Some details and elements are more exaggerated/weighted due to it being concept art vice a mini
- DA will be a little more stylized, but WC is working to try and make sure that the new ships will visually blend with the older Spartan ones.
- New Render! Rebooted Borodino-class battleship.
- Center structure rotates
- New Render! Crown Britannia class BB
- New Render! Imperium Elector class BB
- Different factions will have distinctive weapons.
- Brits = Torpedoes
- Others might have torpedoes, but Brits are best with them
- Alliance = Heat Lance
- Union = Gatling cannons
- Imperium=Tesla
- Will also have a lot of modular ships
- Brits = Torpedoes
- French battleship
- The Austrians will be included in the game, as part of the Imperium
- WC will be at Gencon
- Events will be out in the next few days
- Booth
- Gunslinger tournament
- WWX Exodus Demo
- DW will be demoed for the first time in the US at Gencon 2018
- Events will be out in the next few days
- How will WC handle distro of the range?
- Range is really important; want players to have a depth of range for their forces
- Want to also make sure the game is practical for retailers
- Can’t have 20+ factions with dozens of SKUs for each
- Rollout is being finalized for DW, will mirror WWX
- Starter boxes for factions (large ship + support)
- Add-on blisters/boxes will be added in moderation
- NOT 100’s of SKUs that are available direct only
- WWX singles have disappeared due to being OOP and range management
Armored Clash
- Will it hit at the same time as DW?
- No; WC believes hobbyists can only get excited about one thing at a time.
- Trying not to give the community 3 or 4 things at once to get excited about.
- Also trying not to leave any one game on the shelf for months/years at a time.
- Launch=hero of the release schedule for the month it comes out.
- Each month, there will still be releases for other games like WWX
- AC might not be the next game to come out after DW
- AC could have a longer Beta test that would push back release.
- DW is next game, but there are several in parallel development.
- AC is in active development
- WC is trying to avoid multiple beta tests at once.
- AC concept art:
- Fighters in AC will be about 1.5-2” long
- Union Corsair
- Britannian Defiant
- Imperium Messer
- Russian Kometa
- New! Alliance Malinos class
- New! Empire Doksuri
- AC scale size driven by what WC wants to do with the models for the game and the type of gameplay they want.
- Crimson Skies was mentioned as an inspiration
- Fighters in AC will be about 1.5-2” long
Uncharted Seas
- WC has spent a lot of time on it
- In a fairly advanced stage of development, some elements are still being worked
- Won’t see a lot for the next few months
- Expect more info/announcements in the Fall
Firestorm Armada
- Is there any work going on with FSA?
- Yes, it’s in parallel development; FSA 3rd Edition
- Conversations with “several groups” on rules
- Working on the background
- Noting to show off at the moment other than partial bits of concept art
- Plan is to aggregate factions, similar to how its being done in DW
- Working on plastics for FSA
- Space provides unique design opportunities
- No scale change for new FSA
- Planetfall
- Working to solidify FSA universe
- Working in land combat in the process
- Want to make sure there is a logical in-universe reason for ground combat
Warcradle Classics
- Classic DW and FSA miniatures will be available starting June 2018
- Limited Quantities
- Available online or from local retailers
- WC is still sorting through molds, months later. Wants to make sure that minis going out the door with WC on it are good quality.
- Manufacturing team is going through the process of testing molds.
- Process of testing molds generates sellable miniatures, which will be made available.
- Each week, new minis will be added to the available list
- Retailers will be able to order them into their stores as well as direct sales from the WC website.
- Miniatures will be from the following games: FSA, DW, and Planet Fall
- Quantities will be limited
- Models will be unchanged, exactly out of the molds
- Packaging will be generic. Not intended as a full retail release.
- These are “get by” minis
Gallery of Concept Art
- This is all we’ve gotten of FSA so far!
Updated with the French BB concept art.
Thanks for a great summary!
Great news on the ships being available! (after I spent too much on ebay)