Greetings! As the relaunch of Dystopian Wars approaches, I felt it would be a good opportunity to take a look back at the history of the game, and reminisce a bit about its origins and past life. This winter will mark both the 10th anniversary of the original game’s 2010 launch, and the re-launch of Warcradle’s version of the game, which is all the more reason to take a little walk down memory lane! If you missed part 1 of this series, you can find it here. In the first part, we briefly examined the origins of Spartan Games, and then took a look at the launch and first two years of releases for Dystopian Wars (DW). This time, we are going to be looking at how the game developed over 2013 and 2014. Full speed ahead!
It’s quite remarkable just how many different models they were putting out. New releases are great, but you are correct in that it becomes a bit disappointing when your favorite faction doesn’t get something new and shiny. It collapses under its own weight.
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