Hello again fellow naval gamers. The monthly newsletter is back, after a one month hiatus! The fact of the matter is, I got a little overwhelmed with some family things that were going on, and the month of July just slipped right by me. So, let’s make up for some lost time, shall we?
Halo Fleet Battles
The new Halo space combat game from Spartan Games has been taking the MBS community by storm! As I mentioned in the last newsletter, a new sub-forum has been created just for this game. There is a First Thoughts thread there that has had some interesting discussion:
Additionally, there have been a couple of threads stepping through some of the scenarios that are included with the 2-player starter set:
And finally, forum members Quickdraw and Landlubber have been wasting no time getting to work on painting their new ships! You can see their fine work here:
Around the Forums
Elsewhere around the forums, there has been an intersting discussion going in the Dystopian Wars section regarding the use of allies:
The new releases for Firestorm Planetfall are also getting a lot of attention!
There are two theads of interest down in the Space section. First, a discussion on scifi IPs that we would like to see as games:
Next, there were some lovely models for the new Dropfleet game on display at Gencon, and MajorMcNicol was nice enough to put them on the forum for us all to enjoy:
Downloads and Resources
Don’t forget, if you have any naval gaming-related files you would like hosted on MBS, or if you know of a cool naval gaming website or company, please let me know! I am more than happy to upload files to the Downloads page, and the various sub-forums have stickied Resources topics in them.
Until next month, Good Luck and Good Hunting!
Ruckdog & The MBS Forum Team