2016 is almost over, and my gaming thoughts more and more turn to Adepticon, which is a bare three months away as of this writing! Shockingly, I’m not quite ready to go at the moment. There is some preparation I still have to do!
My Events
There are three major naval gaming events that I’m planning on participating in: The Schaumburg Clash Dystopian Wars tournament, the Schaumburg Prime Offensive Firestorm Armada Tournament,and the Adepticon 2017 Battlefleet Gothic tournament. Lets take a look at each of these in some more detail:
Schaumburg Clash (Dystopian Wars)
This event will be a 3-round tournament played at 1250 points, and is being organized by Spartan Linde. You can read more about this event over on his blog. Not sure yet what the missions will be, but I’m expecting some interesting objectives that may have some influence on my list building. I’m planning on also painting up some new models for this event, including the new PE fleet box. Heavy battleships and fleet carrier here I come! Here is what I’m specifically tracking to do:
- Build a 1250 point list
- Paint the required models to support the list
- Play at least 2-3 practice games
- Write a pamphlet for the fleet background
- Make some sort of carry tray to move the fleet around with during the tournament.
Schaumburg Prime Offensive (Firestorm Armada)
This event will also be run by Spartan Linde. Last year, this event was a 4-round marathon held on one day. This year, however, Josh is shaking things up a bit. The event will last over two days. The first day will be an open 3-round tournament played at 900 points. The second day will be invitation-only for those that did well on day 1, and will consist of three rounds played at 800 points. Just like with the DW event, we are not sure yet what the missions will be, but going by last year’s events I’m sure unique objectives will be front and center! I’m also planning on also painting up some new models for this event, and I’m also looking at making a fancier display board than the one I used last year. Here is what I’m specifically tracking to do:
- Build two 900 point lists
- Build two 800 point lists in case I make it to Day 2 (yeah, right!)
- Paint the required models to support the list(s)
- Play at least 1 practice game with each list
- Write a new pamphlet for the fleet background
- Make an improved display board for the event.
Battlefleet Gothic Tournament
I’m looking to get into this event for the second year in a row. This tournament is more of a “for old time’s sake” type of thing for me. In fact, if I do well enough to make into the second day of the FSA tournament, I will have to give this one up. Considering all that, I’m figuring that I will run a similar list to the one that I played at last year’s event, in order to reduce my modeling load if for no other reason! The rules for the 2017 event specify a simpler list building process than last year (smaller fleets overall, and no allied contingent). So, that helps. Anyway, once again here is my plan:
- Refine a 1500 point list
- Inspect the required models and do any repairs/touch-ups required
- Play at least 1 practice game with the list (over Vassal, maybe)
- Write a revised pamphlet for the fleet background
Lots of things to do for the event! Stay tuned for more posts in the coming weeks, and of course you can expect that I will be making all kinds of posts once the con actually happens. If you like, feel free to look back at the Adepticon coverage I did for 2016’s show to get a feel for what’s in store.
Until next time!
Pingback: Adepticon Preps Vol 2: FSA List Building | Man Battlestations Blog
Pingback: Adepticon 2017 Preps Vol 3: Thoughts on Pimer Missions | Man Battlestations Blog