Greetings fellow naval gamers!
There has been a lot of activity on the forums the last month or so! First of all, make sure you stop by the Introductions forum to welcom our two newest members, Ulric the Grey and BrdingPrty1!
Next, there have been several exciting new listings in the swap shop. Take a look and see if one of our other members can help you track down the right mini you need to complete that squadron you are working on:
In the Dystopian Wars section, the recently released previews for the Italian Air units have been causing a stir:
Likewise, the February releases for Firestorm Armada are also drawing quite a lot of attention:
Forum member Stephan has been nice enough to share some sweet-looking “cheat-sheets” for Firestorm Armada. Be sure to check them out!
Speaking of space naval gaming…did you see the preview for the new BFG video game?
In the Shipyard, Stephan and Creon have been sharing pictures of their newly painted ships. Great work as usual!
On the blog, I have posted a short list of my predictions for 2015. You can find that post here:
And last, but CERTAINLY not least, make sure you take a look at the battle report contest. I haven’t gotten ANY entries yet, so if you enter, even if you think your report is not all that great, you have an EXCELLENT chance of winning a FREE BOOK! Details can be found here:
Good luck and good hunting!
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Team
About Firestorm Armada cheatsheets ow can I get simple cards to print? Currrent version show 3 cards on 1 page and they aren’t ready to print.
Not sure about that myself! I’ll see if I can hunt down the answer.