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Category Archives: Review
Custom BFG ModCubes
Hello once again! If you recall, a while back I did a review on a nifty little product called ModCube. Towards the end of that review, I described how I made a custom set for Dystopian Wars. However, while playing … Continue reading
ModCube Product Review

Today, I’m going to talk about ModCube, a product that I have had a lot of fun using, and which I think really improves the “user experience” for a number of naval games. ModCube started out as a Kickstarter campaign, … Continue reading
Topside Minis Product Review

Hello again! Today, I take a detailed look at a product that I am quite excited about: Topside Minis. I feel that this product represents an important development for naval wargaming, making it much easier for gamers to get into … Continue reading
Fatal Choices Book Review
As I mentioned in a brief post a while back, I recently backed a Kickstarter for a book project called “Fatal Choices: Wargames Decisions and Destiny in the 1914 Battles of Coronel and Falklands” by Seth Owen, who posts in … Continue reading
Posted in Historical Naval Games, Naval History, Review
Tagged Kickstarter, Naval History, WWI
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Sails of Glory Unboxing
Last week, Sails of Glory finally hit the high seas after 2 years of development and a highly successfully Kickstarter campaign (of which I was a backer!). My Kickstarter fullfilment actually arrived last August, but given that I was on … Continue reading
Posted in Historical Naval Games, Review
Tagged Age of Sail, Sails of Glory, Unboxing
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Quantum Expanse Unboxing

As I mentioned on the forums, I recently backed a Kickstarter for a new sci-fi miniatures game called Quantum Expanse, made by Forge Craft Games. The rules for the game have some interesting features, such as “hidden” deployment that provides … Continue reading
Storm of Steel

Over the weekend, my new copy of Storm of Steel, the latest campaign supplement for Dystopian Wars, arrived. After having spent a couple of days going over it, I think I can safely say that Storm of Steel has surpassed … Continue reading
Invaders & Invasions

I just got a whole box of new goodies from Studio Sparta today, which is Spartan Game’s new direct-only service. This order included the new Invaders (i.e., Martians a la H. G. Wells) and the much-anticpated ground combat extension of … Continue reading
Posted in Review
Tagged Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, Firestorm Invasion, Studio Sparta
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Firestorm Armada Hardback Edition Review

After several years of additional models and downloadable rules tweaks, Firestorm Armada is back, in the form of a handsome hard-bound edition of its rules. For those of you that don’t know, Firestorm Armada is a fleet-scale space combat game … Continue reading