MBS Monthly Newsletter #34

MBS Monthly Newsletter #34

Greetings once again fellow naval gamers!

There has been a lot going on over the last month at MBS. As always, don’t forget to check out the lastest edition of the MBS podcast:

Episode 17

Also, don’t forget to stop by and vote in our monthly poll. This time around, on the occasion of MBS’s 5th Anniversary, we are asking for all of you to provide feedback on what kinds of new features you would like to see:


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Episode 17


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5234444/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy/tdest_id/326082″ height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Greg and Andy are back this month with an update to a topic they last discussed way back in Episode 2: Class B Naval Games! Next, they take a look back at the history of MBS, which turns 5 years old this month. Later, they talk about their favorite Hollywood movies that feature naval combat, and Andy rounds out the show with an event report on Adepticon 2017.

Class B Games Update: 34 min

MBS At 5 Years: 1 Hr 12 Min

Naval Combat At The Movies: 1 Hr 28 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 2 Hr 15 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

The Admiratly Trilogy

In Harm’s Way

Naval Command

The Way Gate


MBS Painting Contest Voting
Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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Adepticon 2017 Days 3 & 4

Adepticon 2017 Days 3 & 4

Hello once again! I’m back with my somewhat delayed recap of days 3 and 4 of Adepticon 2017.

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Adepticon 2017 Day 2

Adepticon 2017 Day 2

Welcome back! Here is the run-down of how my second day of Adepticon went.


Blood & Plunder

I made today my main shopping day, and I found all kinds of neat stuff. First off is the new hottness, Blood and Plunder. I got a demo in, and it was entertaining. It is clear that the game is, at its heart, an infantry skirmish game. The naval combat is very much simplified, though it still covers enough of the reality of the times to get the point across!

This was a shot from the demo I played. Boarders away!

This was a shot from the demo I played. Boarders away!

The ship models for this game look great!

The ship models for this game look great!


Here is a close-up of the contents of one of the kits.


Also on display were these islands and shoals for the game. These are made of the same rubber material that the FAT mats are, and look great! I want some for Dystopian Wars.

Firestorm Armada Narrative Event

The Flashpoint Amber campaign kicked off in style Friday night! The playing area for the game was quite large.


The action was getting hot and heavy, as the Relthoza Leviathan entered the fray!


That’s all for today! Not much to show, as this was sort of my day “off” from organized events. I’ll be back tomorrow with a rundown of Day 1 of the Firestorm Armada championships!

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Adepticon Day 1

Adepticon Day 1

Greetings! As you may have noticed, this is actually going up on Friday; I’m going to be about a day behind on my update posts. Anyway, here are the highlights of my first day at Adepticon!

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Adepticon 2017 Preps Vol 5: It’s go time!

Hi all! This will be the last Adepticon Preps post, since the show is almost here! I fly into Chicago tomorrow evening, and will be playing the Dystopian Wars tournament on Thursday, the Firestorm Armada event on Saturday, and either the Firestorm Armada or Battlefleet Gothic event on Sunday.


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MBS Newsletter #33

MBS Newsletter #33

Hello once again! It’s time for this month’s MBS newsletter!

First up, it’s episode 16 of the MBS Podcast! Greg and I were joined by Dale (Dalek Unz on the forum) for a discussion of naval gaming gunnery mechanics, followed by a review of Star Trek Ascendancy:

Episode 16

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Hammerhead Pictures

Hammerhead Pictures

Greetings! Forum member Riftsinger had the opportunity to attend the Hammerhead Games Show in the UK. While there, he took tons of pictures of all the great minis that were there, and has been nice enough to share them with us. Enjoy!

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Episode 16


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5132496/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy/tdest_id/326082″ height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Episode 16 is here! This time around, Greg and Andy are joined by Dale to talk about the shooting mechanics used in a few popular naval miniatures games. Later, the trio dig into a detailed review of Star Trek Ascendancy. Finally, Ruckdog discusses his process for choosing a faction in a minis game.

Shooting Mechanics: 32 min

Star Trek Ascendancy Review: 1 Hr 32 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 2 Hr 39 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

Hawk Wargames

Star Trek Ascendancy

MBS 2017 Painting Contest
Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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The 2nd Armus War (BFG Campaign): Escape from Canova

The 2nd Armus War (BFG Campaign): Escape from Canova

C2Turn1By the early months of 790.M41, it was clear to the Imperial leadership of the the Armus Sub-sector that the uneasy and undeclared cease fire in the subsector could not last. After a brief interlude, reports of increased Xenos pirate activity were on the rise, as were the number and strength of the probes by the Archenemy naval forces that remained in the Delphi and Parma systems. under these conditions, the commander of the Imperial Navy forces, Wilhelm Goodenough, was forced to spread his light forces thin in an effort to roll back pirate activity in order to keep Forgeworld Armus and the hives on Loak’s World, which together formed the cornerstones of the Imperial presence in the sub-sector, supplied and ready for war. While this move was an operational necessity, it carried with it no small measure of risk; a crafty enemy might very well catch one of Goodenough’s patrols and defeat it in detail before reinforcements could arrive. –  Excerpted from “An Imperial History of The Armus Wars” by Dorman J. Poltera, 173.M42.

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