Happy New Year, Fellow Naval Gamers!
2017 is off to a great start in the MBS community! First off, Episode 14 of the MBS Podcast is live for your listening pleasure:
Don’t forget to vote in this month’s forum poll!
Also on the blog from the last month, I discuss the outcome of my 2016 predictions, and discuss my preps for Adepticon:
In the forums, the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has been a hot topic of conversation:
The Firestorm Armada section has seen quite a bit of dicussion on topics such as Dindrenzi tactics, the scale of the game, and Terran list building:
A fair bit of activity has been going on in the Video Gaming section as well! There is now an MBS steam group, so feel free to join if you are interested:
Next up, we are very close to kicking off our second BFG campaign! If you would like to participate, you can find the details here:
And finally, the 2017 Painting Contest is rapidly approaching! The submissions window will be opening up on 1 February. You can find out more information or ask any questions in the sub-forum for the contest:
Until next time!