MBS Newsletter 27

MBS Newsletter 27

We are into September, which means it’s time for another MBS newsletter!


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Episode 10


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4644493/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Star Trek turns 50 years old this month! In celebration, Greg and Andy discuss combat in the Star Trek universe, as seen in the various TV series and movies. Later on, they do a full review of Star Trek Attack Wing. And finally, Greg and Andy discuss their experiences at recent conventions they attended!

Star Trek Combat: 58 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 1 Hr 57 Min

Star Trek Attack Wing Review: 2 Hr 2 Min

Ruckdog’€™s Report: 2 Hr 59 Min

Gencon and Tacticon Experiences:3 Hr 9 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

Star Trek Attack Wing

Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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BFG vs. FSA, Part 3

BFG vs. FSA, Part 3

Greetings once again! This is the third and final post in a series I’ve been working on that compares Firestorm Armada (FSA) and Battlefleet Gothic (BFG). You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here. As you may recall from Part 2, this time I’m going to be tieing up a few loose ends on points I haven’t covered yet, and then give you my final thoughts. Onward!

201605-SPACE-Captain Dan-Directorate Appropriation

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BFG Vs. FSA, Part 2

BFG Vs. FSA, Part 2

Hello once again! It has taken me far longer than I had anticipated, but I finally got around to this, the second installment of my comparison articles between BFG and FSA. If you recall from the first installment, I left off talking about moving and shooting and promised to continue with carrier operations and boarding in this post. So, lets dig right in!

Sci-Fi category Award Winner

Sci-Fi category Award Winner

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Gen Con 2016 Naval Gaming Recap

Gen Con 2016 Naval Gaming Recap

13886865_1066002043482733_3263020795612384833_nGreetings! I just had a great weekend at Gen Con 2016. I had a personal mission to seek out as many naval-related things as I could while at the show. This post summarizes what I found! For those of you that have been following the MBS FaceBook page, most of the pictures will be familiar. However, I’m hoping that this post will provide a little more context for a few of them. Continue reading

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MBS Newsletter 26

MBS Newsletter 26

Hello once again fellow naval gamers! It’s time for the next edition of the MBS Newsletter! Lets get started…

First up, Episode 9 of the MBS Podcast is live! Head on over and take a look if you haven’t had a chance to yet:

Episode 9

Also on the blog, I’ve posted an update on the Armus War, our forum BFG campaign, and an article on my storage solution for the game Star Trek Attack Wing:

Armus War Update

Storing Star Trek Attack Wing

On to the forums!

General Discussion

The new Star Trek Discovery trailer is turning heads!


Space Gaming

Shattered Void KS!


X-Wing Battle report:


Historical Gaming

Yarkshire’s WWI Battle Report:



Landlubber’s DW Demo Set:


Also, don’t forget to stop by and vote in this month’s poll!


And finally, I’m going to be at Gen Con in Indianapolis for the rest of the week. Stay tuned to the blog and the MBS FaceBook page for updates!

Proceeding deep…

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Episode 9


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4555666/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

In Episode 9, Greg and Andy go after a topic both of them have been looking forward to for quite a while: naval videogames! Later, they do an in-depth review of Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars Armada miniatures game. Finally, Greg asks Andy a few questions about his impending trip to Gencon!

Naval Videogames: 52 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 2 Hr 10 Min

Star Wars Armada Review: 2 Hr 17 Min

Ruckdog’€™s Report: 3 Hr 29 Min

Andy’s Pre-Gencon Thoughts:3 Hr 35 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

World of Warships

Eve Online

Silent Service

Sins of a Solar Empire

Galactic Civ III


Star Wars Armada


Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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Storing Star Trek Attack Wing


File_004 (1)

Today, I’ve got another post on Star Trek Attack Wing (STAW). I have to admit, I’ve collected this game in a rather disjointed manner; I periodically pick up a few ships, whenever one of my favorites from the series comes out, or whenever I find some on sale. However, since I rarely get the chance to play STAW, I usually open the booster, look at the mini, and then put the whole lot into a plastic tub. The problem with this approach is that there is a metric ton of tokens, markers, and cards in each booster. So, over time, that tub of mine has become quite the jumble. No more though! A couple weeks back, I resolved to find some sort of storage solution that would separate out all these components and make it easier to actually play the game.  Continue reading

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Armus War Update


“There is no peace among the stars.

For months now, the fires of war have engulfed Sub-Sector Armus. The Imperial defenders are besieged from every direction, slowly giving ground to the traitorous forces of the Archenemy. Already, one of the jewels of the sub-sector, the Delphi system, has fallen under the sway of the forces commended by the diabolical heretic Kol Sarat, the self-styled “Tyrant of Armus.” Elsewhere, bloody purges in the hives of Loak’s Hub have been required to suppress a rebellion against Imperial Rule. The planetary lords there have assured the public and their masters that the rebels have been stamped out, but rumors persist that they are in fact stronger than ever, having gone underground. If there is any good news in this, its that the Xenos threat seems to be at bay for the time being. The Ork raids on shipping along the Loak Passage have steeply declined, and the Tau with their foul heresy of the “Greater Good” were defeated in the one occasion thus far that the Imperial Navy has managed to bring them to battle.”

Greetings! This is to give all of you an update on the status of the Armus Sector campaign. A total of 7 games have now been played, with Seahawk taking a significant lead in the Renown standings. He and I have played the last several games; you can see a battle report on the most recent one we played on his blog:


However, his lead is by now means unassailable! And this is where I put out a call to arms for all those involved in the campaign; the Armus sector is up for grabs, so get out there and stake your claim! Unfortunately, I’ve had to subtract renown over the last couple of months from some players. Don’t forget, if you don’t play a game within a given calendar month, you will lose 2 Renown down to a minimum of 1!

Likewise, if this campaign at all interests you and you would like to join in the fun, now is the time to jump in! Just send me a PM or post in the Campaign Forum to let me know you are interested.

Time to join the fighting!

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BFG Battle Report

Greetings! I just wanted to share a link from MBS forum member Seahawk, who has put together a great report on the BFG game he and I played via Vassal  a couple of days ago. Head on over to his blog, The Renegade Hobbyist, and take a look!


This game was played as part of the on-going MBS Vassal campaign for BFG. Although this campaign has seen some ups and downs, we aren’t giving up on it yet!

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