MBS Podcast Episode 6

MBS Podcast Episode 6


[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4339848/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

For Episode 6, Greg and Andy have Mike and Bill on to discussall the awesome Firestorm Armada events they are organizing for the2016 NOVA Open. Later, Greg and Andy do their first review of a Class C game, Axis and Allies War at Sea.

NOVA Open Firestorm Armada Interview 27 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 1 Hr 12 Min

Axis & Allies War At Sea Review: 1 Hr 20 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 2 Hr 15 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==


Ops Center Blog

Axis & AlliesForumini

2016 MBS Painting Contest Winners
Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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MBS Newsletter 23

MBS Newsletter 23

Greetings once again, fellow naval gamers! I must apologize for the tardiness of this month’s newsletter. Look at the bright side though; by sending it late, I avoided clogging your inboxes with another mass-email regarding the painting contest.

Speaking of which, the winners of the 2016 Painting Contest have been announced! The winners, along with all the other entries, are posted on the blog for your easy viewing:

2016 Painting Contest Winners

Congratulations to our winners, and a hearty BZ (that’s “well done” in naval lingo) to all those that particpated. There were a lot of outstanding entries this year, and the judges had a very difficult time! If you have any feedback or recomendations for the rules for next year’s contest, make sure to drop us a line and let us know!

In addition to the painting contest, I’ve also posted several articles about Adepticon 2016 on the blog, including event reports for the Firestorm Armada tournament and the Battlefleet Gothic tournament:


Speaking of Adepticon, don’t forget to check out Episode 5 of the MBS Podcast, where Greg and I discuss all the awesome stuff we saw and did at the con:

MBS Podcast Episode 5

The forums have been quite busy over the past month and a half, with great discussions on Adepticon, the details surrounding the new Halo ground game from Spartan, and the new BFG video game for the PC! A new sub-forum has also been created to discuss all of the awesome naval video games that have been coming down the line recently:


Another new sub-forum has been created to document campaigns that are being run by forum members. A group of us has gotten together to play a Battlefleet Gothic campaign, for example:


That about does it for this newslettter! Until next time…

Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.

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2016 Painting Contest Winners

Greetings fellow naval gamers! It is with great excitement that I present the winners of the 2016 Man Battlestations Painting Contest.

The Admiralty Award

This award, chosen by a panel of three judges, is the overall winner of the 2016 contest and will be receiving a $40 gift certificate to The War Store, as well as a set of island terrain from Dan Aussie. The winner of the Admiralty Award is:

Karun’s Phalanx-class Battlestation from Firestorm Armada


Congratulations Karun!

The Member’s Choice Awards

The next group of winners were voted on by members of the forums, and were broken up into four different categories: Sci-Fi, Fantasy/Other, Steampunk, and Historical. Each of the below winners will receive a $15 gift certificate to the War Store.

Sci-Fi Category Winner: Nicolas’s DAL-10-S Directorate Fast-Action Fleet

201601-SPACE-Nicolas-DAL-10-S Directorate Fast Action Fleet

Fantasy Category Winner: Captain Dan’s Kopesh Airship

201603-FAN-Captain Dan-Kopesh

Steampunk Category Winner: Last Rites’ Boston-class Submarine

201611-SP-Last Rites-Boston-Class

Historical Category Winner: Shinnentai’s HMS Repulse


The Commander’s Choice Award

Last, but certainly not least, is the Commander’s Choice Award. The winner of this award will receive a $20 gift card to the War Store. This award gives me the chance to recognize an outstanding entry that has not been otherwise selected for one of the other awards. This was a really tough choice to make given the caliber of this year’s entries! But in the end, there can be only one.

Commander’s Choice Award Winner: Grgbobe’s IJN Hiryu and Air Wing


Congratulations once again to all of our winners, and a hearty Thank You to all of those who participated and helped make the 2016 Painting Contest a great success! Below you can find a gallery of all the entries for this year’s contest. Until next time…

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Introducing the Armus Incursion: A BFG Vassal Campaign

This post is intended to establish the groundwork for the setting of the 2016 Man Battlestations BFG campaign, the Armus Sub-sector. The intent is to provide those participating in the campaign a common frame of reference with which they can forge their own narratives for the individual games they play within the campaign. The background laid down here is from the Imperial perspective, which leaves plenty of latitude for interpretation by players who will undoubtedly prefer to see events through the eyes of their chosen faction!


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Event Report: Adepticon 2016 Battlefleet Gothic Tournament

Greetings! This is a little bit later than I had intended, but hey, it’s only been two weeks, right? Anyway, back on 3 April, I played in the Battlefleet Gothic tournament at Adepticon. This event has been something I’ve wanted to do for many years now, so as you can imagine I was extremely excited to be participating! For those of you that read my event report on the Firestorm Armada tournament, the format of this post is going to be very similar. First, I’m going to discuss the format for the event, then I will refresh you all on the fleet list I used, and then I will go through each round. Let’s get to it, shall we?

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MBS Podcast Episode 5

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4289443/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/render-playlist/no/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]


For Episode 5, Greg and Andy talk about all things Adepticon! They start off discussing the organized play events they participated in, and then move on to the pick up games and all the awesome sights and sounds of the biggest event in miniatures gaming.

==Quick Reference==

Adepticon Organized Events: 36 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 1 Hr 16 Min

Adepticon Games of Opportunity : 1 Hr 22 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 1 Hr 55 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

2016 MBS Painting Contest Entry Forum

Topside Minis


Majestic 12 Games

Battlefleet Gothic Armada

Battlefleet Gothic Leviathans

Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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Event Report: 2nd Schaumburg Prime Offensive

One week ago, I had the honor and privilege of playing in the 2nd Schaumburg Prime Offensive, which was the Firestorm Armada tournament held at Adepticon 2016.

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Star Trek Ascendancy Preview

Star Trek Ascendancy Preview

One of the biggest highlights from Adepticon for me was getting a chance to participate in a demo of the new Gale Force 9 board game Star Trek Ascendency (STA), run by none other than John-Paul of Battlefront Games. STA is being developed by GF9 as part of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, and is set to release this August. I actually played this demo last Friday, but I wasn’t able to post about it until the Star Trek.com article went up!


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Adepticon Days 3 & 4

Got a bit behind on my updates! Saturday and Sunday were very busy days. On Day 3 (Saturday), I participated in the 2nd Schaumburg Prime Offensive Firestorm Armada tournament. That meant I was playing Firestorm Armada all day, from 9 AM to 9 PM! I won Best Painted fleet!

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On Day 4 (Sunday), I played in the Battlefleet Gothic tournament. I was very happy to be playing in the event, as it was the first time in a number of years I have been able to play the game “in real life.”


All in all, it was a great weekend! I’m still coming down off the gamer high. Over the next week or so, I will be putting up more detailed reports for the events I participated in over the next week or so. Stay tuned!

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Adepticon Day 2

Adepticon Day 2

Another busy day! I started off manning the ModCube booth again this morning. At noon, I shifted over to playing Seapower, an age of sail game that uses 15mm ships!

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After that, I took a short break to demo War at Sea for Greg. He really enjoyed it, so it seems likely we will be reviewing it on the show in the near future.


Then I jumped in on a couple sessions of a multiplayer videogame called Artemis. In this game, each person acts as a member of a starship’s bridge crew, like on Star Trek. I got to play the weapons station, and it was awesome! I would definitely recommend it. Afterwards, I made a trip through the vendor hall and picked up a number of items, including a few new Star Trek Attack Wing ships. I finished up with a demo of a new game that is releasing this August, which I can’t talk about until Monday ;).

Tomorrow ow is my big Firestorm Armada day, so I will need to cut this a little short to get some rest. Until next time!

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