Greetings once again, fellow naval gamers! I must apologize for the tardiness of this month’s newsletter. Look at the bright side though; by sending it late, I avoided clogging your inboxes with another mass-email regarding the painting contest.
Speaking of which, the winners of the 2016 Painting Contest have been announced! The winners, along with all the other entries, are posted on the blog for your easy viewing:
2016 Painting Contest Winners
Congratulations to our winners, and a hearty BZ (that’s “well done” in naval lingo) to all those that particpated. There were a lot of outstanding entries this year, and the judges had a very difficult time! If you have any feedback or recomendations for the rules for next year’s contest, make sure to drop us a line and let us know!
In addition to the painting contest, I’ve also posted several articles about Adepticon 2016 on the blog, including event reports for the Firestorm Armada tournament and the Battlefleet Gothic tournament:
Speaking of Adepticon, don’t forget to check out Episode 5 of the MBS Podcast, where Greg and I discuss all the awesome stuff we saw and did at the con:
MBS Podcast Episode 5
The forums have been quite busy over the past month and a half, with great discussions on Adepticon, the details surrounding the new Halo ground game from Spartan, and the new BFG video game for the PC! A new sub-forum has also been created to discuss all of the awesome naval video games that have been coming down the line recently:
Another new sub-forum has been created to document campaigns that are being run by forum members. A group of us has gotten together to play a Battlefleet Gothic campaign, for example:
That about does it for this newslettter! Until next time…
Ruckdog & The Man Battlestations Forum Team.