Adepticon Day 1

Here I am at the ModCube booth!

Here I am at the ModCube booth!

Had a great day today! I spent the morning helping out a friend run his booth for ModCubes, which I’ve discussed before in the blog. In the afternoon, I had a painting class on blending, which has given me all kinds of ideas for painting techniques that I’m anxious to try. After that, in got a game of Firestorm Armada I’m with Dale fro, the !BS forums.


All in all,  it was a great day! For now though, it’s time to get s little rest ;). Until next time…

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Adepticon Day 0

Adepticon Day 0


Adepticon is upon us! I will be heading up to Schaumburg later today to get checked in and to help set up for the show. I’m super excited to be going to the show this year, and I’ve been anticipating its arrival for months!

For the weekend, I’m going to be doing my best to post a daily update here on the blog that will do a quick summary of the day’s events, with quick impressions of the games I’ve played, neat things I’ve seen, and so on. Then, later next week, I plan on doing more detailed event reports for the two tournaments that I’m playing in. If you are attending the show as well, I hope to see you there!

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Dystopian Wars: How Far is Far?

In my last Dystopian Wars article, I developed a conversion factor to turn game movement ratings into speeds (as it turns out, I reckoned it is rougly 2.67 knots per inch of movement). I speculated at the time that this also had some interesting implications for the table scale of Dystopian Wars, and that is what I’m going to tackle this time around!

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Adepticon Prep: Battlegroup Fortitas Background

Hello once again! Previously, I had discussed the construction of my BFG list for Adepticon. However, another one of the aspects of the upcoming Adepticon BFG tournament is that the players will be evaluated on the background stories (or “fluff”) for their fleets. Because of that, I’ve been working on some revised and updated fluff for the ships I will be using in the event.

IMG_1279Much of this is based off the background histories I wrote years ago for my Imperial Navy fleet on my personal website, but I’ve added and changed quite a bit. My plan is to actually print all this up into a small booklet that I will give to each person I play, as a little momento. And now, for your consideration, I present the background for the Battlegroup Fortitas Schaumberg Detachment: Continue reading

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MBS Newsletter 22

MBS Newsletter 22

squarelogoGreetings Fellow Naval Gamers! Here is your Monthly Man Battlestations Newsletter.

To start of with, I have two big announcements for you! First, Episode 4 of the MBS Podcast is now available for download. In this episode, Greg and I interview the creators of Topside Minis and then review Halo Fleet Battles. Give it a listen and let us know what you think!

The next big announcement is that we are halfway through the 2016 Painting Contest Submission Window! Don’t forget, you only have until 1 April to get your contest entries submitted. The easiest way to enter is to use the form available on the MBS blog:

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MBS Podcast Episode 4

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For Episode 4, Greg and Andy do their first ever interview, with John C. and John G! These two fine gentlemen are responsible for a company called Topside Minis (you may have heard of them!). In the second half of the show, they do their second game review, on Halo Fleet Battles from Spartan Games.

==Quick Reference==

TSM Interview: 26 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 1 Hr 1 Min

Halo Fleet Battles Review: 1 Hr 5 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 2 Hr 18 Min

Adepticon Preview: 2 Hr 23 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

2016 MBS Painting Contest Entry Forum

Topside Minis

Halo Fleet Battles



Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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Adepticon Prep: Firestorm Armada Fleet Lists Round 3

I know, I know, you are probably thinking to yourself “Not this again!” However, my most recent game of FSA has given me reason to go back and take another look at the adjusted lists I made last time. Let’s get started!

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Firestorm Armada: Terrans vs. Dindrenzi Round 2

My Firestorm Armada Terrans of Task Force 22 have been at it again! Last weekend, I played MBS community member CDR-G’s Dindrenzi force in another 1,000 point game of FSA. If you recall, the last time I played the Dindrenzi with my Terrans, it didn’t go so well. However, I went back to the drawing board and re-tooled my list. So, this game was a chance for me to put some of my hard-earned lessons to the test, as well as my new build. Read on to see how I fared!


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Dystopian Wars: Speed Thrills

Dystopian Wars: Speed Thrills

Have you ever been playing a game of Dystopian Wars, and asked yourself just how fast your ships are “actually” moving? This is something that I’ve pondered for a while. There is no immediate answer at hand; Spartan has deliberately left some aspects of the game ambiguous, in an apparent effort to focus on making the gameplay for DW “feel” right. And admittedly, I think they succeeded very well at doing just that. Still, I can’t help but wonder…

Long Nine Italy 13

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Adepticon Prep: Battlefleet Gothic List Building

As you have seen from the last couple of posts I’ve done on putting together my lists for the Firestorm Armada event at Adepticon, I’ve been working on getting my ducks in a row for the con. The other event I’m playing in at Adepticon is the Battlefleet Gothic tournament, which will be 1500 points plus 250 points of allies. I can swing up to 200 points of my main force to my allies, though, so it’s not too limiting.fleet3 Continue reading

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