Draft 2016 Painting Contest Rules

Greetings once again! The season for the 2016 Painting Contest is almost upon us, and this year the rules and format are going be changing significantly. Make sure you read the full rules, but here is a summary of the changes:

  1. There will be 3 awards: Admiralty Awards, Member’s Choice, and Commander’s Choice.
  2. You will be able to submit multiple entries this year.
  3. Membership in the MBS forum is not required to enter, though it does confer an advantage in the Admiralty Award voting.
  4. We need participation from the community to make this work! Specifically, we will need three judge volunteers, and we are also accepting donated items to be used as prizes.

Draft Rules Download Link:


As a final note, these rules are very much in a draft form. They will be finalized on 15 January 2016, which will still provide two weeks before the submission window ends.

Thanks and good luck!


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2016 Naval Gaming Predictions

2016 Naval Gaming Predictions

05 ACL Oroshan DNHappy New Year! It’s time for the second edition of my annual Naval Wargaming predictions. If you haven’t yet done so, be sure to read last year’s predictions and how well I did on them! Just like last year, I have no inside information on any of these predictions; this is all just me taking an educated (or in some cases, a not so educated) guess on what might be coming down the line for 2016. Here we go! Continue reading

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2015 Predictions Outcome

2015 Predictions Outcome

04 Landlubber CouronneThe end of 2015 is almost upon us! So, I figured it would be a good time to revisit my Predictions post from last January and see how I fared with my predictions! I’m going to be scoring myself on the following scale (because, as a gamer, I have to ask myself what would be the point of doing this if I wasn’t keeping score?):

  • Prediction Completely Accurate: 2 Points
  • Prediction Partially Accurate: 1 Point
  • Prediction was WRONG!: 0 Points

Given that I made 6 predictions, I could earn a maximum of 12 points. Granted, I’m scoring myself here, and that might be construed as a slight conflict of interest, but hey, no body’s perfect! ;). Without further ado: Continue reading

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Man Battlestations Podcast Episode 1

[iframe style=”border:none” src=”http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3999610/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/no/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”480″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

The first full episode of the Man Battlestations Podcast! In this episode, Greg and Andy take a look at the Naval Miniature Game market and talk about Class “A” games. Later, they look back on 2015 and discuss the major news in the naval gaming hobby over the last year.

==Quick Reference==

Class A Game Overview: 23 Min

Landlubber’s Musings: 1 Hr 18 Min

2015 Year in Review: 1 Hr 24 Min

Ruckdog’s Report: 2 Hrs 11 Min

Pearl Harbor Remembrance: 2 Hrs 24 Min

==Links Discussed in Show==

Man Battlestations

Spartan Games

Fantasy Flight Games

Whiz Kids

Ares Games

Topside Minis

Checkout the Latest Episode of the MBS Podcast!

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Star Wars Armada Wave 2 Unboxing

Star Wars Armada Wave 2 Unboxing

0112ca3b162af55d6e2d36ba34f0f7597a5861a8e9It’s here! It’s finally here! After months of delays, the second wave of releases for Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars Armada has arrived. I got my shipment yesterday, and decided to snap a few pictures while I was unboxing everything. Lets take a closer look at all this new Star Wars goodness, shall we?

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Hobby Tutorial: Painting the UNSC


I recently started in on painting my UNSC ships for Spartan’s Halo: Fleet Battles game. I’m reasonably pleased with the results I achieved, so I though a quick tutorial would be in order! Continue reading

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Man Battlestations Monthly Newsletter 19

Man Battlestations Monthly Newsletter 19

Greetings fellow naval gamers!

First of all, I have a big announcement to make. As those of you who follow the blog and the MBS Facebook page are already aware, MBS is launching a naval wargaming podcast! The first full episode is scheduled to be released on 7 December 2015. A preview episode is posted and can be accessed here:


With that out of the way, a lot of other things have been happening on MBS since the last newsletter! First of all, there has been a couple of big news stories. GW has announced they are revitalizing their “specialist” games, which includes Battlefleet Gothic:


In addition, Hawk Wargames has launched the Kickstarter campaign for the spaceship game set in their popular Dropzone universe, called Dropfleet Commander:


Spartan’s new giant robot models continue to be a big discussion point in the Dystopian Wars forums:


Speaking of Spartan Games, the Halo Fleet Battles forums have been very busy, as Spartan continues to roll out awesome new releases for the games:


Down in the Shipyard, lots of progress is being made by MBS members on all sorts of awesome naval models:


Over on the blog, I have posted several Dystopian Wars battle reports:




Overall, lots of great things happening in the MBS community! Don’t forget, if you have any naval gaming-related files you would like hosted on MBS, or if you know of a cool naval gaming website or company, please let me know! I am more than happy to upload files to the Downloads page, and the various sub-forums have stickied Resources topics in them.

Until next month, Good Luck and Good Hunting!

Ruckdog & The MBS Team

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MBS Podcast Coming Soon

Fellow Naval Gamers, it is with great pride and excitement that I am announcing Man Battlestations will be producing a naval miniatures gaming-themed podcast. The first full episode will be released on 7 December 2015, but in the mean time, you can check out what we are calling “Episode 0,” which is sort of a preview show that serves as a way for the hosts to introduce ourselves and to lay out exactly why we are doing the show. Please take a listen and let us know what you think!

You can find Episode 0 here:


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Dystopian Wars Batrep: Prussians vs. Britannians Campaign Battle



Time for another DW Battle Report! This time around, it is a rematch of the game I had played a week before between myself and Last Rites. This time around, however, we were going to be playing within CDR-G’s Operation Galvanic campaign framework. This meant that we would have to modify our lists somewhat; no Dreadnoughts were allowed, and no Local Support SAS were available.


The Indian Ocean is not especially large compared to the Atlantic or the vast Pacific. However, to Kapitan zur See Ruckdog, whose fleet was under constant threat of surprise attack from all directions, it seemed plenty large indeed. His Unabhängig Geschwader, or Independent Squadron, had been underway for weeks. Leaving ports in allied French territory, his force had made its way south along the Afrikan coast, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and continued heading east towards its hoped-for rendezvous with Blazing Sun forces in the Far East. The journey had been long and perilous, transiting as it did through seas nominally controlled by hostile powers, not the least of which was the Covenant. However, “Geschwader Ruckdog,” as his fleet had been dubbed by the bureaucrats back it Imperial Prussian HQ, had managed to elude any forces sent to interdict it thus far. Which was for the best, since HQ had determined that his previous flagship, the dreadnought Mecklenburg, was needed closer to home waters. Instead, he had been forced to shift flag to the assault carrier Merkur. That was probably just as well, since his squadron had long since passed out of range of Prussian land-based air support.  Now, however, Geschwader Ruckdog had to make it through one final barrier before it could join the fight in the Pacific; the Straights of Malacca. He was certain that the Britannians would attempt to contest his passage at this choke point, and so he had sent some of his lighter units, led by the battlecruiser Derfflinger, to scout ahead of his main body. His fears turned out to be well-founded when at 1100 frantic reports from the Derfflinger indicated Britannian cruisers, destroyers, and frigates were present. The battle for the straight was on!
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Dystopian Wars Batrep: Prussians vs. Britannians

Dystopian Wars Batrep: Prussians vs. Britannians


headline picKapitan zur See Ruckdog surveyed the hostile, icy North Sea from his perch in the flag bridge of his flagship, the mighty Blucher-class Dreadnought SMS Mecklenburg. Surrounding the hulking shape of the Mecklenburg was the rest of his force, Raiding Force Z-28. His overall mission was to break through the Britannian blockade in the Greenland-Iceland-Britannia gap, and wreak havoc on the sea lines of communication between the Britannians and their North American allies. In order to help him accomplish that mission, he had a mighty array of warships at his command, including the Sky Fortress LZ-83, and the large submarine UG-8. So far, luck had been on his side; the ice flows and misty conditions of the North Sea had enabled him to elude detection. However, he was stirred from his reverie when the Leutnant serving as his staff communications reported “Signal from the LZ-83, Herr Kapitan; multiple Britannian warships sighted!” It seemed that his luck had run out afterall.

Hello again! I had another awesome game of DW last Sunday, this time against forum member Last Rites and his Britannians. This was a classic DW match-up between two heavyweight core factions. Continue reading

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