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Tag Archives: Adepticon 2017
Adepticon 2017 Days 3 & 4

Hello once again! I’m back with my somewhat delayed recap of days 3 and 4 of Adepticon 2017.
Adepticon 2017 Day 2

Welcome back! Here is the run-down of how my second day of Adepticon went. Blood & Plunder I made today my main shopping day, and I found all kinds of neat stuff. First off is the new hottness, Blood and … Continue reading
Adepticon Day 1

Greetings! As you may have noticed, this is actually going up on Friday; I’m going to be about a day behind on my update posts. Anyway, here are the highlights of my first day at Adepticon!
Adepticon 2017 Preps Vol 5: It’s go time!
Hi all! This will be the last Adepticon Preps post, since the show is almost here! I fly into Chicago tomorrow evening, and will be playing the Dystopian Wars tournament on Thursday, the Firestorm Armada event on Saturday, and either … Continue reading
Adepticon 2017 Preps Vol 4: Dystopian Wars List

Greetings! As part of my continued preperations for Adepticion, I’ve been working on coming up with my list for the DW tournament. I plan on once again running my Prussians, though I am planning on painting up some new models … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars
Tagged Adepticon, Adepticon 2017, DW 2.0, Dystopian Wars, PE
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FSA Batrep: Reform the Line!

Greetings! This time around, I have a Firestorm Armada battle report. Back on Monday, I had the opportunity to try out the first mission from the Schaumburg Prime Offensive primer pack, which was recently posted over at The Way Gate. … Continue reading
Posted in Battle Report, Space Naval Gaming
Tagged Adepticon, Adepticon 2017, Aquan, Firestorm Armada, Terran
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Adepticon 2017 Preps Vol 3: Thoughts on Primer Missions

Greetings once again! There was some big news this week; the Primer Missions for the Spartan Games events were released to the public over on The Way Gate. These are close to the final versions of the mission packs that … Continue reading