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Tag Archives: DW 2.0
2015 Naval Gaming Predictions

Given that the New Year has just begun, I thought it might be fun to “read the tea-leaves” and come up with a list of predictions for how the year might develop in the realm of naval wargaming. At the … Continue reading
Posted in Predictions
Tagged Battlefleet Gothic, DW 2.0, Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, Naval Gaming, Star Wars
Carriers in DW 2.0
Under the 1.0 and 1.1 editions of Dystopian Wars, small aircraft (represented by Tiny Flyer Tokens) were of minimal utility. While a full-strength dive bomber or torpedo bomber wave could put a hurt on an enemy, it was easily intercepted, … Continue reading
DW 2.0 Event Report: The Guns of 29 June
8 members of the DWVA group, including your’s truly, got together yesterday at the Game Vault in Fredricksburg, VA for our first games using the new 2.0 edition of the rules. Factions represented at the event included the Prussians, RoF, … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars
Tagged DW 2.0, DWVA, Dystopian Wars, FSA, Game Vault, PE, RoF, Russian Coalition
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The Prussian Empire in DW 2.0
After having done four big articles on the rules for DW 2.0, I thought it would be a good idea to turn some attention to how the core nations have changed with the release of the new model stats. And, … Continue reading
Dystopian Wars 2.0 Rules Breakdown Part 4: Section D
And now for the 4th and final installment of my detailed review of the new Dystopian Wars rules! First, I’ll take a look at Section D, and then I’ll close it out with my final thoughts on the rules after … Continue reading
Dystopian Wars 2.0 Rules Breakdown Part 3: Section C
And now, the third installment of my detailed look at the new edition of Dystopian Wars! This time, I will be tackling Section C, which is a pretty big chunk of the rules. Essentially, Section C covers the major portions … Continue reading
Dystopian Wars 2.0 Rules Breakdown Part 2: Section B

Time for the second installment in my detailed review of the second edition of Dystopian Wars! This post will be fairly short, as Section B only has 5 pages in it (the shortest section by far!). Just like Section A, … Continue reading
Dystopian Wars 2.0 Rules Breakdown Part 1: Section A

Welcome to the second installment of Dystopian Wars 2.o coverage here on the MBS blog! This time, I’m going to be digging in to the rules proper, so this will be a bit more technical than the first impressions post … Continue reading