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Tag Archives: EotBS
Dystopian Wars: A Brief History (Part 1)

Greetings! As the relaunch of Dystopian Wars approaches, I felt it would be a good opportunity to take a look back at the history of the game, and reminisce a bit about its origins and past life. This winter will … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars
Tagged COA, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, KoB, Prussian Empire, Russian Coalition, Spartan Games, Studio Sparta
Hurricane Season Scenario 5

Prologue FSA-occupied Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The attack on Miami was swift and brutal. Despite the best efforts of Wales’ men the damage to done to the infrastructure would take months to repair; the civilian casualties were the most devastating. MacCannon … Continue reading
Posted in Battle Report, Campaign, Dystopian Wars
Tagged Campaign, DW 2.5, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, Hurricane Season, PE
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Hurricane Season Scenario 4

Prologue Miami Harbor, Federated State of Florida Jenkins Approached Commander Wales. “Sir, systems nominal, the Portsmouth is running as smooth as the day she completed sea trials.” Danny nodded. “MacCannon took good care of her, and it seems the shipyard … Continue reading
Posted in Battle Report, Dystopian Wars
Tagged DW 2.5, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, H, Hurricane Season, PE
Hurricane Season Scenario 1

Prologue South Atlantic, off the Cape of Good Hope INBS Kaga, Flagship of the Blazing Sun Carribean Strike Force The waters off the Cape of Good Hope were an expanse of storm-tossed deep blue, domed with an oppressive grey overcast, broken by … Continue reading
Posted in Battle Report, Campaign, Dystopian Age, Dystopian Wars
Tagged Campaign, DW 2.5, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, Hurricane Season, PE
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Revisiting Hurricane Season

This is the first of what will probably become a series of posts on me and my friend Matt’s play-through of Hurricane Season, the first campaign book for Dystopian Wars that came out way back in 2012. I have to … Continue reading
Posted in Campaign, Dystopian Wars
Tagged Campaign, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, Hurricane Season, PE
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Bombs Away! – DW Heavy Bombers
Introduction April was an exciting month for Dystopian Wars, as the game received its first new unit type in quite some time. I’m referring, of course, to the Heavy Bombers that were included in the Bombardment Groups that were released … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars
Tagged COA, DW 2.0, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, KoB, PE, RoF, Russian Coalition
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DW Battlecruisers Part 3
Greetings! So, it’s been over two years since I’ve discussed this topic, and since then Spartan has released battlecruisers for all 7 core factions. I thought it might be interesting to take a brief look at this ship type and … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars
Tagged Battlecruiser, COA, DW 2.0, Dystopian Wars, EotBS, FSA, KoB, PE, RoF, Russian Coalition
Carriers in DW 2.0
Under the 1.0 and 1.1 editions of Dystopian Wars, small aircraft (represented by Tiny Flyer Tokens) were of minimal utility. While a full-strength dive bomber or torpedo bomber wave could put a hurt on an enemy, it was easily intercepted, … Continue reading
Dystopian Wars 2.0 Unboxing & Impressions

At long last, the box containing my Dystopian Wars 2.0 book and starter set has arrived! Here are just a few quick impressions after pawing over the contents for a few minutes.
Kicking off the X-Cam
Yesterday, MadDrB and I met at the Game Vault to pit my Republiqe of France forces against his Blazing Sun fleet for the first few games of this fall’s DWVA X-Cam. For those of you who have never heard of … Continue reading