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Tag Archives: Imperial Navy
The 2nd Armus War (BFG Campaign): Escape from Canova

By the early months of 790.M41, it was clear to the Imperial leadership of the the Armus Sub-sector that the uneasy and undeclared cease fire in the subsector could not last. After a brief interlude, reports of increased Xenos pirate … Continue reading
BFG Battle Report
Greetings! I just wanted to share a link from MBS forum member Seahawk, who has put together a great report on the BFG game he and I played via Vassal a couple of days ago. Head on over to his … Continue reading
Posted in Battle Report, Space Naval Gaming
Tagged Batrep, BFG, Campaign, Chaos, Imperial Navy, Vassal
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Adepticon Prep: Battlegroup Fortitas Background
Hello once again! Previously, I had discussed the construction of my BFG list for Adepticon. However, another one of the aspects of the upcoming Adepticon BFG tournament is that the players will be evaluated on the background stories (or “fluff”) … Continue reading
Adepticon Prep: Battlefleet Gothic List Building
As you have seen from the last couple of posts I’ve done on putting together my lists for the Firestorm Armada event at Adepticon, I’ve been working on getting my ducks in a row for the con. The other event … Continue reading