Man Battlestations Forum
Modeling => The Showcase => Topic started by: Danaussie on February 15, 2015, 11:08:24 pm
Hello my good friends,
My name is Dan Byron otherwise known to those in the Naval Wargaming Community as Danaussie, I have promised Andy on a few occasions that I would post up a gallery of some of my work, it is time to deliver on that promise guys, so here are just some of the repaints and painted naval miniatures from both Wizards of the Coast's - Axis and Allies War at Sea, Mongoose Publishing's Victory at Sea and some Shapeways 1:1800th scale World War II Naval Miniatures that span my involvement with the naval war-gaming community for almost a decade.
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An Imperial Japanese Navy Fleet - Axis & Allies War at Sea - Commission Completed 2011
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KMS Scharnhorst & KMS Gneisenau - Wizards - 1:1800th - Commission Completed 2011
Battleships & Battlecruisers
The following 3 miniatures are the three miniatures for the only three painting competitions I have ever entered, my apologies for the image of HMS Hood, this is one of only 2 images of this model that survives today.
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USS Montana - Wizards - 1:1800th - Man Battlestations Painting Competition Winner 2013
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HMS Renown - Wizards - 1:1800th - Man Battlestations Painting Competition Winner 2014
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HMS Hood - Wizards - 1:1800th - UnCon Winner Best Naval Miniature 2011
The next displayed models are just some of the miniatures that have been painted since 2007, too many to picture images of all of my work spanning the past decade, so here are some of my favourites spanning this time from a selection of over 450 miniatures painted for both my own personal collection and those completed for clients under commission.
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HMS Rodney - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014
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HMS King George V - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014
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KMS Bismarck - Mongoose - 1:1800th - 2014
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HMS Anson - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2012
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USS Iowa - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2008 - One of the first W@S minis I ever painted
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RM Littorio - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010
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USS Missouri - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010
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HMS Royal Oak - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010
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IJN Yamato - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
Aircraft Carriers
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USS Hornet - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010
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IJN Zuikaku - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
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USS Bunker Hill - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2014
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KMS Peter Strasser - Shapeways - 1:1800th - 2014
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RM Aquila - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
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USS Lexington - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
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IJN Shinano - Shapeways - 1:1800th - 2014
Cruisers & Destroyers
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HMS Sussex - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
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HMS Sheffield (Mod)* & HMS Belfast - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2011
*HMS Sheffield was a custom build, modelled in the UK by Montyburns from a HMS Belfast miniature.
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USS Baltimore - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2009
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USS Canberra - Wizards - 1:1800th - 2010
Fantastic mini's! The carriers are especially well done.
Very, very nice looking miniatures Danaussie. Looking forward to seeing more.
Your work, as always, is nothing short of inspirational Dan 8). Rest assured, the Montana pictured above still holds a place of honor on my shelf ;). Looking forward to what you will cook up for the contest this year!
G'day Ruckster,
Thanks mate, competition has got a way of bringing out your very best, in this company I must say I have never felt more intimidated in my life, for these guys are not just artists but true specialists in their fields. I have been looking through some of the threads here in the Showcase section for the past few days and "sweaty palms" is a good way to describe my reaction to it. Good Heavens these guys are good, you guys have nothing but my humble admiration and deepest respect.
On this gallery I have made sure I have entered some of my oldest work as well as some of my more contemporary stuff, it was a great way to show the evolution of experimental techniques, that have slowly developed over the years. The Mongoose HMS Rodney is (perhaps) the best miniature I have ever painted, some 18 years after I first started painting it feels like I am finally getting close to the place I always wanted to get to in terms of detail and technique package. Perhaps that is also largely due to the outstanding level of detail on Mongoose Publishing's Victory at Sea Miniatures. Either way guys it has been an amazing journey of discovery and the people I have been honoured to meet and share that journey with has made it extremely educational and rewarding.
Thanks to forums such as this one I can sit here half a world away and still get to admire the work of other extremely talented artists and learn from them.
Thanks guys for your comments, the admiration and respect flows both ways, believe me. :) :) :)
And finally thanks Ruckdog for the opportunity to show some of my work.
No problem at all! I'm always glad to see fellow gamers sharing the fruits of their painting labor ;)