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Messages - Stitch_Reloaded

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News and Rumors / Re: [Kickstarter] Sky Relics Fleet Core
« on: June 14, 2019, 10:11:10 am »
Good, I'll have a go at it this weekend.  Don't know if it's visible from the photo, but the one on the bottom left has one side that droops.
Can't leave it that way.  It would bug me every time I looked at it.

News and Rumors / Re: [Kickstarter] Sky Relics Fleet Core
« on: June 12, 2019, 01:16:54 pm »
Greetings to all,

Received a shipment of Sky Relics a few days ago and wanted to share.

I'll start of by saying I was concerned about this this coming in since I backed the project on the 3rd attempt and It took some time for this to come close to completion.  However this shipment was not the kickstarter Core Set. This was an additional set I purchased from the Sky Relics store.  SO yes, I haven't yet received the kickstarter set yet but they are selling and shipping sets out now.  ???

Appear to be made by the Sky Relic's team, It's a flat card stock that was hand folded and plastic wrapped.  Good thing with the plastic wrap as the flaps was loose.  Not a huge issue as I'm sure it's more cost effective. However the data cards are made from the same stock and hand cut, so none of them are the same size or square.

Below is the set of 3 on top, the bottom 2 was extra and came with a thank you for the order.  Again It's great that they did that, but I'm a backer without the Kickstarter set yet...

- Quality, I don't work with a lot of resin.  Injected and metal here with the only resin being from the Dystopian line.  So I looked these over and didn't get a warm fuzzy, again Not an expert on resin, so maybe someone here can look and give a qualified eval.  What I did see was several places that looked "Smugged" and bent.  Several parts was not straight.  I know Reapers bone line can be fixed with some hot water, but any fix to bent resin?  Photos below.

The bases are what looks to be flexible black rubber with a clear plastic rod (Seen above).  The small ships will have no issues, but larger ones seem to be a tad unstable.  The directions in the box stated to use shorter rods for large ships but all the rods are the same so you will have to cut them down.

Overall this is a start up company, I had hoped for fairly clean miniatures but this wasn't the case.  I would also love to be able to go over the rules but until I get the Core set sent to me that will have to wait.


DWVA / Re: Joint Spartan purchase - save the shipping!
« on: February 11, 2016, 10:46:12 pm »
Great to get a few pieces for the up coming painting competition!


General Discussion / Re: World of Warships
« on: March 11, 2015, 05:18:31 pm »
Anyone here get a beta invite?


General Discussion / Re: World of Warships
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:05:50 pm »
Sounds great,

I'll defiantly get into this one. Star Trek Online gets a bit repetative. 


General Discussion / Re: FIXED!!
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:03:09 pm »
Good work,
Hated to see all the work you've done to the boards get lost.

Did looked like a few of my tutorials got scrambled. I'll edit the pics back it ASAP.


Modeling Q&A / Re: Mobile Modeling Station
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:49:12 pm »
Good choice in a tackle box. I had that model for the longest time. I had to upgrade and now it stands in as a project box for art major now.

Plano makes some of the best ones for our hobby. If you use odd shaped bottles or tools, take them with you and test the fit. Saves you from worries later.


General Discussion / Re: The MBS Dice Ordering Thread
« on: September 18, 2014, 11:46:42 pm »
Interesting dice, good price as well. 

Just to make sure the emblem is the 1 or 6?
Also you should of hit me up, could of kicked some design ideas your way.

You'll probably hear from me on a set of copper as soon as Paypal unlocks my account for not giving them my cell phone number.


DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:17:48 am »
I'm really wanting to get up that way and see y'all in action.  No bets that I'll be ready for a game however....


The Shipyard / Re: DW Australian Test Scheme
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:53:15 pm »
Looks good, really liking the top down shot.  The metals really pop.

Also like the weathering/ soot on the stacks, that Tamiya or a wash?

Edit: What is everyone's opinion on the little bit "extra" resin at the bottom of the ships?  Sand or no sand?


Dystopian Wars / Re: FSA New Aerial Box
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:18:08 am »
Oh my, the detail on that airship is amazing.  Gotta give it to Spartan Games, got one hell of a modeling team!


DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: January 27, 2014, 01:12:39 am »
I see what you're saying...outside of any house rules there isn't much you could do about that.  I didn't realize units went down so quickly.  Perhaps the commodores idea would fly or a flagship rule that would allow a single ship that he/she was on, not to "Go Down" per-say but accumulate XP's or skills.  Granted this would most likely be Battleships and above.  Would be interesting to see a carrier or destroyer as a flagship.  This is always the reason I liked gaming with a good group that would look past cannon rules and get creative.


DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: January 25, 2014, 12:31:01 am »
I like the concept,

I've done campaigns like that before using Battletech.  Not sure how much you know about that game but I'll try to explain.  In those games we operated our units in a AoR setting and each time we gamed we played 2 scenarios what had a set amount of importance. normally once a week sessions.  (I commanded a mercenary unit.)  The higher the importance the more resources you walked away with.  Mostly Credits and salvage.  (Of course in BT salvage could add units back into your command.)  Then every week each unit received resources from the faction that the unit was with. Almost like a salary and each unit was able to purchase replacement units.

I understand that you want keep the maintenance and time down to a minimum, but we actually enjoyed being able to maintain a unit thru the whole campaign.  It kept us engaged week to week allowing us to grow.  each player kept up with their units stuff, we all knew each other so the honor system worked here.  One of the better points was playing the same scenarios and the same maps where we could see how others attacked it.  Sometimes units were wiped out completely, not being able to keep up with the battle losses thus removing them from the campaign.  The campaign would end when a unit controlled/ won the enough scenarios to control the AoR.

Never played DW, but I'm sure a system could be implemented rather quickly to allow for this.  The scenarios was always kept simple....Secure this fuel depot or destroy that installation...  The quickest one we had was to secure a local valley.  the attacker brought medium units but the defender placed a big ol'assault mech at the entrance.  Given the style campaign the attacker withdrew in two rounds because he know he'd loose more that he would gain from the win.  Strategy at it's finest!

You said the biggest problem was the accumulation of points early on, perhaps a set amount of point be given to each unit/ player after so many games from "HQ"? If that's too cut and paste for everyone a scale of points and a roll of the die to see how much you get.  This could give a player an advantage quickly however.


DWVA / Re: X-Cam 2014?
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:03:10 pm »
So what is this exactly Ruckdog?  One big tourney or more of a prolonged campaign?


Modeling Q&A / Re: Tutorial - Hidden Sub Base
« on: January 19, 2014, 01:10:19 am »
Thanks all!

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