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Messages - Optics1984

Pages: [1] 2
MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Campaign Continuation Poll
« on: June 14, 2017, 12:15:11 am »
Yeah an instant messaging would be good. Maybe either a whatsapp group or FB messenger group could work better. Could instant message for games then and we would all be able to see when people are available.

Also anyone new could be added later.


MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Pickup Game Thread
« on: March 20, 2017, 07:41:17 pm »
Sorry all, my home Internet is not working at the moment, I think the router is broken and im trying to sort it out with the provider. Unfortunately Australian Internet providers are awful so im struggling.

Sorry guys.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Pickup Game Thread
« on: March 05, 2017, 07:35:43 pm »
Well I live in Sydney but im actually a Brit. Worked here for a while now.

Ill have time this week to get to grips with Vassal so should be able to have a game over the weekend. Hopefully. 

Cheers, I may need help with Vassal


MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Game Reporting Thread
« on: March 01, 2017, 05:09:22 pm »
Hi All,

Heres a bit of a brief battle report from one of our tabletop games on the weekend:

Battle Report: Fleet Engagement

Turn 1: Imps went first and moved forward full movement and launched thunderhawks and a few torps but no other firepower was in range. Nova cannon shot from the mars went wide of the mark though, just.
Turn 1: Chaos shot forward and wheeled to port in an arc to get into range of the long guns and lances and fired a few pot shots that didn’t do damage but reduced shields to slow the oncoming Imps. And fighters were launched onto cap to try to help deal with some of the thunderhawk pain

Turn 2: Imps bombardment guns came into range and smashed down the shields of the battleship and took a couple of points of damage off the trailing green carnage class cruiser (Killfrenzy). The thuderhawks then hit home and caused a few critical hits, including a fire on the battleship but it was thankfully quickly put out. The Chaos Gods smiled kindly as all other fire was absorbed by shields.
Turn 2: Chaos stayed the course and locked on with all but the devastation class cruiser, which reloaded. All fire power was directed at the battle barge and the shields were quickly overwhelmed but the savvy imperial captain had braced the ship. From all the firepower directed at it from the Chaos fleet, only one point of damage was caused!

Turn 3: The braced battle barge with aid from the strike cruisers directed their attention to the trailing carnage class cruiser Killfrenzy, smashing its shields and causing port, engine and fire damage and with the sustained fire crippled the ship.
Turn 3: The cowardly Killfrenzy decided to warp out, the Chaos gods were not kind at first, the captain of the crippled ship failing his leadership test but with aid from his Lords re-roll was able to warp out without further delay. Now at close quarters the Chaos ships, still locked on unloaded on the Mars battlecruiser and reduced her to a burning hulk. Fighters and good turret fire kept the thunderhawks generally at bay.

Turn 4: The battle barge surged around the Chaos battleships aft and fired all its guns. Destroying the shields and taking several points of damage off the heretics flagship. A massive critical hit to the shields caused a shield collapse and it looked like the battleship could end up being crippled. The Chaos Lord cursed. However, in this turn the Mars class had sailed right into the midst of the strike cruisers and escort squadron primed to fire into the sides of the battleship and the Mars warp core exploded brilliantly. This resulted in the strike cruisers and escorts needing to brace or potentially be crippled by their own dead ship. The Strike cruisers didn’t take damage but their shields were down, the escorts were not so lucky with 2x of the escorts being reduced to slag.

Turn 4: Although the shields on the battleship had been mauled the remaining chaos fleet was very much intact and turned to starboard to engaged the strike cruisers and remaining escort, buoyed but the destruction of the Mars. Blood for the Blood God! The Chaos fleet concentrated their fire on the nearest strike cruiser and with its shields down it couldn’t hang on to the sustained barrage and was reduced to a burned out hulk. The final firestorm also tried to weather the storm of fire but also couldn’t hold out and was destroyed.

We called it at this point as it was getting late and the way the fleets were angled it would have taken a couple of turns to get back into each other anyway so no shooting would have hit home anyway.

Overall a win for Chaos but it was a fun battle that could have gone either way. My aim was to get in the first big shooting round and I did and with lock on too. I rolled 20+ dice at the battle barge but did nothing to it. So turned my attention to the Mars to try to get points. The carnage was almost destroyed but thankfully managed to get her out of there before the strike cruisers did really damage.

Of note though those thunderhawks were dangerous and so in my appeals ive brought in another devastation to attempt to deal with the level of ordinance too. Very powerful ordinance and would certainly be looking to deal with that in the future. Not sure how yet mind.

I know Dan is writing up a bit of narrative from the Imperial point of view and I am going to write up a short narrative of this battle for the Chaos side too. Hopefully when I get some time.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Pickup Game Thread
« on: March 01, 2017, 05:01:19 pm »
Hey GSL,

We have a game booked for March, I havent played on Vassal before I am going to download it this weekend and give it a go to see how it works. Can sort out a game then if you like.

I live in Sydney so not sure of timezones with the rest of us on here.



MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Butchery at Butera
« on: March 01, 2017, 04:39:31 pm »
Great read, enjoying this and I am going to have to get my act together to write some up too.

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Campaign Status Panel
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:18:48 pm »
Hi Ruckdog,

Real quick im confused by the renown, seems really high for me and Dan. I thought mine after two games was only in the 20s. So not sure whether the 30 plus has come from.

Not complaining as Ill get some more appeals soon ha but just wondering.


MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Game Reporting Thread
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:37:00 pm »
Ah sorry guys. Thought as i had temp control over butera that we could then go to the next system over. Sorry all.

« on: February 27, 2017, 11:34:27 pm »

Quick question on the appeals and reinforcements.

How many can you have as I cant find a limit other than if you dont have the models to represent them then ypu cant bring it in. Have i missed something or in our rules here. Sorry.



MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Optics Ruinous Powers Fleet
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:19:37 am »
Reinforcements from our recent battle:

Devastation - Khornes Judgement Ld 7
Repulsive Grand Cruiser - The Gorefather Ld 7
Carnage - Warps Reaper - Ld 8

Sending both kill frenzy and blood bound out of system to repair for the next round.

Public Rolls / Re: Optics Ld Rolls
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:14:35 am »

Devastation Khorne Judgement - Ld 7

Repulsive - The Gorefather Ld 7

Carnage - Warps Reaper -Ld 8

Public Rolls / Re: Optics Ld Rolls
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:09:56 am »
Reinforcement rolls:

Devastation cruiser - Khornes Judgement
Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2

Repulsive Grand Cruiser - The Gorefather
Rolled 1d6 : 2, total 2

Carnage Cruiser - Warps Reaper
Rolled 1d6 : 4, total 4

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Game Reporting Thread
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:58:58 am »
For some reason it wont let me post the pictures so heres a link to the FB group they are in. Its the ones with the green table (no black im afraid)

MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Optics Ruinous Powers Fleet
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:42:51 am »
Ok all after LT Dan and I had our two games my fleet list has to be adjusted slightly:

Raid Mission: Blockade Run

Devastation - Slaanesh Kiss - Upgrade Leadership to 9
Slaughter - KillFrenzy - Upgrade with Expert Gunnery
Slaughter - Gorechild - Upgrade Leadership to 8
Carnage - Torment - Destroyed

No other damage done to the ships to repair

Battle: Fleet Engagement

Desolater Battleship - Damaged in battle, repaired hull points - now has 3x points of hull damage. No upgrades
Hades - Warmaker - No upgrades
Slaughter - Warfeind - Upgrade Leadership to 8
Slaughter - Killfrenzy - Upgraded with Elite Command. Damaged in battle, no repairs made, has 4x points of damage to repair
Devastation - Deathbane - Upgrade Leadership to 8

No other damage to ships

Thanks all


MBS BFG Campaign 2 / Re: Escape from Canova, A narrative battle report.
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:23:36 am »
Good read that, enjoyed it and hopefully we get to read some more.

I think Dan will write up a narrative for the game we played on the weekend and I'll try to write up a short too from the chaos angle.



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