« on: July 08, 2019, 05:23:44 am »
ok well a pick up game/tournament i don,t see the point . but in a campaign they can really make the difference' are those 8 ships that just jumped into system capitals carriers battleships or a few scouts pretending to be bigger how long do i stay to find out with my light cruiser 2 destroyers 1 frigate and my escort carrier ? and can i out run them if i do bite off more that i can handle ? hidden movement on maps v scouts sneaking around trying to find the others players fleets in the hope (sorry all the yanks out there ) a pearl harbor (if the game has rules for ships on stand by or powered down ) or the desperate maneuvers while you try to hide just how badly off your fleet is , can make for a great game
hmm thinking on a little it depends on how the orders are moved in the game if the setting has ftl coms (eg star trek) then there is little chance of fog but if u have to send a ship then there is always a chance of some mishap