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Messages - sandancer76

Pages: [1]
Uncharted Seas / Which game cards to use
« on: March 18, 2018, 11:42:31 pm »
I only came to this game after Spartan closed and the old forum has now gone. I have the download version of the rules and have been fortunate to pick up many second edition models. I have picked up sets of the game cards some 27 in the pack others 26. All are for second edition the extra in the 27 being a reference card. There is a difference in that in the 26 packs a couple of the general cards like number 5 elite gunners state may be used also with active turn defensive fire. The 27 pack only has the card with linked or split fire. Anybody still playing the game explain the difference was the 27 pack the original second edition set and the 26 issued to go with the hardback? Also what is meant by active turn defensive fire does this refer only to those models who have an entry for defensive fire battery on their stat card as otherwise I thought defensive fire was a reaction to active turn flyers attacks.

Uncharted Seas / QRS for Uncharted Seas
« on: September 26, 2017, 09:40:56 pm »
I only have the PDF of the hardback version of US. I have viewed and ebay listing of a previous version and there is a QRS sheet shown. Can anyone confirm there was a QRS sheet with the hardback rulebook? If so I would be grateful if anyone could PM me a scanned copy of itor if they can attach it to this forum.

The Swap Shop / Re: Looking for Uncharted Seas Ships
« on: September 22, 2017, 04:57:49 am »
Hi just started collecting for this game and have been lucky to get 2 fleet starter boxes of the recast sculpts for the Dragon Lords, Ralgard and Shroud Mages. Does anyone have any other second edition models looking especially for Flagships heavy cruisers or other recast fleets they want to sell?

Dystopian Wars / Re: Fleet Action - FAQ, updates
« on: September 19, 2017, 12:05:20 am »
Hi with the SG forum discontinued anybody have a copy of the pdf of the fleet action faq that was on their forum?

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