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Messages - dagerg

Pages: [1]
2018 Painting Contest / Re: Winner of the Fantasy Category!
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:25:20 pm »
Thank you guys, Im honored!

DeepWars / Re: The Blood Reef Incursion
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:00:28 pm »
I love this!  Can't wait to see more!

DeepWars / DeepWars video battle reports
« on: November 03, 2017, 03:16:31 pm »
Hello everyone!  Brand new to this forum and podcast - I can't believe I hadn't found this one before!  I'm Greg from Cranky Old Gamer ( and on Facebook (Cranky Old Gamer).  I've been a big fan of the game DeepWars for over a year now and I've gone so far to create video battle reports of all of our games!  I thought I'd share them here as well as I've stumbled upon this blog/postcast/forum.  I also post these regularly to "The Abyssal Realms" Facebook group - if you're into DeepWars and not checked out that page, go take a gander at all the great stuff that's going on there.

I make video battle reports for this game via my YouTube Channel (  Subscribe there if you'd like to see more DeepWars and ShadowSea goodness!

Here's a list of the battle reports I've done so far.  Let us know what you think!

Battle report #1: Ancients of Atalan vs. Dark Mariners

Battle report #2: Fortune Hunters vs. Scaly Horde

Battle report #3: Scaly Horde vs. Ancients of Atalan

Battle report #4: Dark Mariners vs. Fortune Hunters

Battle report #5: Ancients of Atalan vs. Fortune Hunters

Battle report #6: Nereids vs. Fortune Hunters

Battle report #7:  Ancients of Atalan vs. Nerieds

Battle report #8: Dark Mariners vs. Scaly Horde

Battle report #9: Dark Mariners vs. Axibalan Empire

Battle report #10: Nerieds vs. Scaly Horde

Battle report #11: Dark Mariners vs. Scaly Horde

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