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The Shipyard / Re: Armada Conversions
« Last post by Kelly on March 07, 2025, 09:35:06 pm »
I have been trying to work out some more ideas for Armada for some time and took a break to do this Hydra.

This one was a print from the Mantic Vault and was also the first organic model I have done in a while… I was very pleased with the detailing on the heads of the Hydra, and the seams between the pieces were very well engineered, with hardly any of the joints needing green stuff.  The back and tail are separate pieces, and also with a good level of detail, but is the one issue I have with the model, and will not be using them as scaled if I print another.  Overall, a good model, it just needed some more time with the art director.
News and Rumors / Re: Warlord Games naval games on sale
« Last post by Kelly on February 21, 2025, 05:29:22 pm »
On the other, it makes me worry this is the beginning of the end for their support.
I would totally think that for some other lines' random boxes, but when I looked back through 2024 there was a surprising amount of releases for Black Seas in particular from Warlord for a relatively low outlay for them as publisher, so I do not see any problems with that game.

With historical settings is always an issue with reaching the end of actual material to produce, but even Victory at Sea has not reached that point yet, and even when / if they hit the end of WWII, there is plenty of room for second edition / expansion... any bets on whether they go with Jutland or Tsushima first?
General Discussion / MBS in 2025
« Last post by Ruckdog on February 17, 2025, 05:09:37 pm »
Hi all! Things have continued to be quiet around here, and for that I apologize.

I'm working on a few YT/podcast projects off and on in the background, an those will continue to be my focus. I did not get anything uploaded in January, which was my original goal, but I'm hoping to get a new episode posted this week.

Beyond just the podcast and YT channel, I have a few initiatives that I'm looking to work on this year, including:

- A new MBS store
- New merch
- Starting a Discord server
- Re-invigorating the MBS Substack and monthly newsletter

There is also some work I need to do around the forums; there are a lot of dead boards that I need to move into inactive/archive status, and I probably need to consider re-working some of the structure of the board.

Happy to take feedback on all of this! Thanks again for all of you that stick around and keep the lights on here ;)
Space Naval Games / Void Admiral: Renegade Warfleets
« Last post by Ruckdog on February 17, 2025, 05:02:48 pm »
I recently picked up a copy of this game:

Its an interesting fleet-scale battle game. Very clearly trying to make a "modernized" version of BFG; it has fleets that are obviously intended to be 1 for 1 proxies of 40k factions, though it has it's own background and is a fully fledged game in its own right. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I'm looking forward to trying it!
The Shipyard / Re: Best case scenario?
« Last post by Ruckdog on February 17, 2025, 04:54:43 pm »
That's a fantastic storage solution! Looks like you found something that is effective at storing  your fleets safely while also being affordable.
News and Rumors / Re: Warlord Games naval games on sale
« Last post by Ruckdog on February 17, 2025, 04:45:28 pm »

On one hand, this is a great opportunity for folks to jump into these games if they haven't already.

On the other, it makes me worry this is the beginning of the end for their support.
News and Rumors / Re: Warlord Games naval games on sale
« Last post by Kelly on February 15, 2025, 08:22:48 am »
Warlord Games have started a mystery box sale that includes two of their naval games, running through the end of February.  Both Black Seas and Victory at Sea have boxes for $160 that come with a starter set and another $160 of extras for the respective games...

...their aerial game Blood Red Skies also has a mystery box as well that comes with its Battle of Midway starter set.
News and Rumors / Re: Homeworld : Fleet Command
« Last post by Kelly on February 04, 2025, 11:03:33 pm »
North American fulfillment is in process now, but included in that last campaign update were details on the current errata compilation and clarified versions of the rules that should be available in pdfs shortly.  Beyond that, they are going to have a process to request a reprinted book after final reviews and the conclusion of the Kickstarter... have not seen that before and I am pleasantly surprised.

Over the past few months Modiphius has been seeking feedback from backers on the reworked rulebooks and is going to offer printed replacements for not only the new format books, but updated card decks as well which is above and beyond.  Again, great after product support from Modiphius that I would not have expected... the base rules are fine, but the new revisions are easier to reference and teach from.
The Shipyard / Best case scenario?
« Last post by Kelly on February 02, 2025, 10:51:50 pm »
The worst of winter is mostly past here, so what day would be better than today* to emerge from my den for a long overdue post?

For years I have been either converting over or designing my different space ranges to all use the same 1/8 acrylic rods for stands to match Firestorm Armada, and by not gluing them in I can switch them out between different base types at any point.  Another benefit of separate stands is a big reduction in the amount of the space required for the ships, but they do require a different approach to storage...

My first run through of storage was with foam, and with the small scale of my Clone Wars ships, not to mention the volumes, custom cuts were not an option.  After several trials I settled on cloth-backed foam, a specialty fabric that is used in backpack straps, and purse walls.  Instead of most other hobby foam sheets available for miniatures, cloth-backed foam comes in much thinner sheets than traditional hobby or pluck alternatives, and has a fine nylon mesh that is heat fused into one side of the sheet.

The mesh takes inks well from a pattern, and assists in easy cutting through with a minimum of warping.  The only downside of this, is that as a fabric, cloth-backed foam has to be purchased by bolt, in bulk, as in 6-9 square yards at a time... four years and I have still not finished working through my first 3/16 inch order from Pellon.

Soft foam guards against light impacts, and paint chipping, but is not really transportable and requires a container.  Here enters probably my best discovery regarding miniatures, the photo storage case.  These plastic containers are usually available at most hobby stores, and have slats inside to hold either 12 or 16 standard sized 4 x 6 inch smaller cases.

Perfect for my scales, I cut the sizes of foam to the matching size and with some careful planning can fit hundreds of ships into a reasonably small space with identification labels viewable through the clear sides.

At this point, bubble wrap entered the picture as I would put a single sheet against the lid to protect against drops, and then some ships that were not storable in a regular way have ended up just between layers of bubble wrap.  I have not seen any paint transferring occur yet on these ships but do not see that as an ideal situation.  That has led me to the third method for casing small scale models, cardstock...

The smooth surface of cardstock seemingly has no effect on fully sealed models, and is a hundredth of the cost of foam sheets as well as a fraction of the cutting time.  It does not look as aesthetically pleasing as foam, but then again, any savings of time on storage can go towards improving the appearance of the ships inside.

All in all, I cannot give an unequivocal recommendation to these storage solutions that I have settled on since all model lines have different requirements, but I can 100% recommend looking at outside of the box hobby problems and hope this has stirred some ideas in the readers for their own situations.

*Unfortunately, I did see my shadow this morning so it looks like it will be another six weeks of 15mm.
MBS Media / Re: MBS Podcast Episode 90: Mantic Armada Update`
« Last post by Kelly on January 16, 2025, 09:13:28 pm »
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