Welcome to the final battle of the Indo-China campaign between the British and the French. The French finally took the lead in the campaign at 7 to 5 points and have triggered the "Final Battle". One thing about the "Final Battle" scenario in the rules is that it encourages the players to determine what that scenario is going to be!
In an unfortunate stroke of bad luck, the British ambassador to Siam passed away. This left the Foreign Office in a bit of a dilemma. The deceased ambassador had a well-established and long running relationship with the King of Siam. This untimely opening had to be filled, before the French could exploit the opening and insert themselves into a position of power in Siam. Therefore, the Foreign Office dispatched a new Ambassador immediately via airship.
Commodore Duckworth received the news and immediately deployed with what was left of the Royal Navy of Siam to rendezvous with the British airship. However, Commodore Aubre also received word of the arriving diplomat from his own Foreign Service contacts. He also left with his own fleet to intercept and stop the new British Ambassador from arriving on-station. Forces: L'Aire NationalCamot- Commodore Aubre- Command 4
Charles Martel Class Heavy Cruiser (Battleship)
Cuchinchina - Captain Gourdon- Command 2
Gloire Armored Cruiser
Tourane- Captain de Genouilily- Command 2
Descartes Class Cruiser
Tonkin- Captain de Vence- Command 2
D'Iberville Class Cruiser
Fantassin- Captain Valjean - Command 4
Chasseur Class Destroyer- Torpedo
Royal Navy of SiamHMS Malaya- Commodore Duckworth- Command 2
Queen Elizabeth Class Battleship
HMS Medusa- Captain Butler- Command 2
Active Class Light Cruiser
HMS Corsair- Commander Montgomery- Command 4
Bull Finch Class Destroyer- Torpedo
The British will also have to protect the ambassador's airship:
HMS Wesley Anne - Command 2
Troop Transport Ship
Mission: This is the Final Battle, so there is no scenario from "the book". Instead, we are going to use elements of other scenarios to make this custom scenario.
The British ambassador in the HMS Wesley Anne is placed within 18 MU from the short table edge at any speed and altitude 24 MU in from the British edge. In addition, a landing point is placed on the opposite short table edge 12 MU in, and 24 MU in from the British edge. The landing zone is a box 6 MU x 6 MU and the center is represented by a terrain piece. The British are attempting to land the Ambassador within the landing zone before the game ends.
Then, both the British and the French can place up to 15 AV of picket ships on opposite sides of the board on the long table edges, but no closer than 12 MU from any short edge. Non-Picket ships go into reserves. All ships can be placed at any speed and altitude. Reserves enter the board in the normal deployment zones and follows the normal rules for reserves.
In addition, if the British Ambassador's ship is stricken with a Fire! from critical damage, it will also trigger a special rules that the Ambassador was killed in the attack and ensuing fire. Any successful boarding actions on the Ambassador's ship can "take the Ambassador" prisoner instead of the normal effect.
The game will last 8 turns.
The outcome of the campaign is thus:
1. The Ambassador lands successfully in the landing zone - British Major win and Siam becomes part of the Empire as a client state
2. The Ambassador's ship survives the battle and is not crippled or sunk and still on the board - British Minor win and Siam stays in the British Orbit
3. The Ambassador's ship is crippled or left the board - Draw, but Siam becomes independent
4. The Ambassador's ship is sunk/explodes or the Ambassador is killed - French Major win and Siam is out of British orbit
5. The Ambassador is captured - The French have broken Siam from British control and swung them to French orbit
There are three cloud banks on the board at randomly assigned heights as terrain and complications. They are at 3, 4, and 2 and their height is a die next to them.
Set-up: The Final Battle will take place on a 72 MU by 48 MU board. 1 MU is equal to 1 inch.
The British Picket ships are the HMS Corsair and the HMS Medusa. The Medusa is set-up to try and catch up with and escort the Wesley Anne, while the Corsair will try to lead them towards the landing zone.
The French picket ships are the Fantassin and Tonkin. They are coming across at an angle towards the HMS Wesley Anne, eager to sink some torpedoes into her.
For this battle, we are using a standing white board to track the key details of the battle like ship speed, altitude, Command, damage, and special effects.
In addition, I am not going to be detailing every move and shot like previous game reports. Instead, I am going to give some high level details. The battle will be broken down by stage. These will be the Maneuver Phase, Battle Phase, and the End Phase.
You can read all the details on the Blood and Spectacles Blog here if you are so inclined: