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Misc. Naval Games / Homeworld Fleet Command
« Last post by Kelly on February 08, 2024, 12:07:29 am »
Homeworld Fleet Command – 5060523345922 – MUH052367

Here is a brief breakdown on the base game components:
First of all, the ships arrive assembled and are a moderately soft and dense plastic, think boxed games from Fantasy Flight, or 1/72 historical miniatures from Hat Industries, not a sharply defined rigid polystyrene.  With that material choice there is less detail possible, but the modelers made the best use of the plastic possible, and the mold lines are well hidden.  At first glance this would seem to be a negative, but as these ships are not intended for stands or bases, in fact the game has them stored loosely in wells, a more durable plastic is a reasonable choice, and if the ships arrived on traditional sprues there would be much less room in the box for less ships.

At 101 total within 11 types, the number of ships is a good amount for variety of play, especially with the different unit cards included.  The careful observer will note that almost half of that total is composed of fighters, but I cannot criticize anyone boosting a ship count by including the smallest options possible.

The rulebook is 52 pages and includes 10 missions that roughly correspond to the events in the original Homeworld RTS game.  The first 7 scripted missions lay out the rules in order of escalating complexity which are in preparation of the final 3 that expect players to select their own fleet compositions.

Almost half of the box is composed of the other cardboard pieces required for play.  The board is hex based, and two decks of cards are used for activations and to track unit statistics.  Multiple tokens for modifiers, objectives, and statuses are included and in enough quantities for regular play.  All of these are good quality cardstock or board, but the one downside is that the molded inserts are tightly sized to their components, so much so that there is no room for card sleeves.

All in all, a good production given the design goals and that fits the majority of the original Homeworld onto the table.
News and Rumors / Re: Kickstarter for 3D Terrain Files
« Last post by Ruckdog on February 01, 2024, 04:05:52 pm »
I'm really excited by how well the campaign went! Looking forward to getting my hands on the files and playing around with them.
News and Rumors / Re: Kickstarter for 3D Terrain Files
« Last post by Toxic_Rat on January 31, 2024, 06:08:41 pm »
Fully funded, and wow, a lot of content.  The ol' printer is going to be busy on this one.
News and Rumors / Re: Homeworld : Fleet Command
« Last post by Kelly on January 27, 2024, 08:36:24 pm »
North American fulfillment is in process now,

...and now it is finally here!

Several hundred ships are soon to be scattered across the table, with updates following shortly after I hope.
Space Naval Games / Re: Played in a SW Armada Tournament!
« Last post by Kelly on January 26, 2024, 05:15:52 pm »
Congratulations!  Will we be getting a breakdown of your list, how it performed against the other fleets, or any changes to be made going forward?
Space Naval Games / Played in a SW Armada Tournament!
« Last post by Ruckdog on January 22, 2024, 05:31:15 pm »
Played in a local SW armada tournament yesterday! Just 4 of us, so 3 rounds was perfect to get a chance to play everyone in else. There were two Rebel players, including me, and two imperial players. First game was a bad loss, second game was a solid win, and third game was a narrow loss. So, a 1-2 record, good enough for 3rd lol. Here are some pics!

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3
News and Rumors / Re: Kickstarter for 3D Terrain Files
« Last post by Ruckdog on January 21, 2024, 12:40:15 am »
I totally jumped on this one! It's very interesting that the pledge also includes resale authorization; I might end up printing some of these to sell on the MBS Etsy store!
MBS Media / MBS Podcast Episode 86: 2023 Year In Review & Looking Forward to 2024
« Last post by Ruckdog on January 21, 2024, 12:38:54 am »

After a longer than expected break, Andy is back with another episode of the MBS Podcast! As is traditional, he is taking a look back at 2023 as well as looking foward to 2024.
News and Rumors / Re: Homeworld : Fleet Command
« Last post by Kelly on January 19, 2024, 06:08:51 pm »
North American fulfillment is in process now, but included in that last campaign update were details on the current errata compilation and clarified versions of the rules that should be available in pdfs shortly.  Beyond that, they are going to have a process to request a reprinted book after final reviews and the conclusion of the Kickstarter... have not seen that before and I am pleasantly surprised.
News and Rumors / Re: Kickstarter for 3D Terrain Files
« Last post by Kelly on January 19, 2024, 06:00:40 pm »
Thanks for the heads up!  It looks like they have made it through most of the stretch goals now.
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