So played it alot this weekend. I will come up with the pros and cons of the game.
improved user interface. Most Space 4x games are either too easy, buggy, or to damn difficult to figure out how to do things or track important information.
this game solves it by being easy enough to learn in 2 hours, while providing the depth of play some Hardcore fans will want.
Ship Creation- Easy enough to do on your own or leave in the hands of the AI, Note sometimes the AI will remove your variant type of battleships, so sometimes you dont want it to auto update your ships when new tech rolls out.
Very much like MoO2 for those who see that as the gold standard.
Game also comes with Master of orions 1thru 3 for free when you get it through this early access time period.
No spies yet, to be implamented in another patch.
only 6 races so far, implament the other 4 at a latter date. Not as many races as in Masters of ORion 2.
Too easy at this point- only one difficult mode and with careful planning in the early game you can steam role half the other races to fear you by turn 300 and vote for you to become the galaxtic leader of the Galaxtic UN by turn 350.