Author Topic: Looking for new game  (Read 2158 times)


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Looking for new game
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:19:55 am »
Is there a game out there that us based around the mid 1800? Been in an American civil war mode since seeing some mdf models of ironclad on Blackops web site. I have always liked them since I was a kid and my step dad was a big civil war buff.


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Re: Looking for new game
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2017, 12:13:53 pm »
Depending on scale and preference lots of options out there. The old board game Ironclads and its' expansion port perfectly to miniatures at 1/2400 but be can also run on hex gridded mats with 3" hexes in 1/1200 or larger at 1/600.

Other quite common rules for the period are "Hammerin Iron", "Iron and "Fire", and "Smoke on the Water".

Iron and Fire is the more complex with Hammerin Iron the simplest. I find Smoke on the Water a good middle ground.

Here is a link to a discussion on just that topic.