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Castles in the Sky- Balkan Uprisings Campaign- Breakthrough at Salonica
With the land war bogging down around Salonica, the Ottoman League has decided to throw their weight into a battle over the front lines. Members of all the Ottoman League nations have assigned vessels to the attempt. As Salonica is the flashpoint of the campaign, the Balkan League has their assets operating in the area. When word arrives from scouts on the ground of the assembling enemy fleet the Balkan forces quickly move to intercept them. A showdown is inevitable in the skies over Salonica. Forces
The Ottoman LeagueOttoman Empire
Sultan Mehmed II- Fatih Captain: Seydi Al Reis Command: 3- Flagship
Class: Sultan Osman-I Evvel Category: Battleship Armor: 9
Basra Captain: Hasan Rami Pasha Command: 2
Class: Barbarous Heyreddin Category: Heavy Cruiser Armor: 8
Mecidiye Captain: Medvid Reis Command: 1
Class: Hamidiye Category: Cruiser Armor: 8
Barbaros Captain: Murat Pasha Command: 2
Class: Berk Efsan Category: Torpedo Boat Armor: 4
Prince Eugen Captain: Anton von Sterneck Command: 2
Class: Tegethoff Category: Battleship Armor: 9
Bravo Captain: Anton Pock Command: 4
Class: Huszar Category: Destroyer Armor: 6
San Bartolomeo Captain: Paolo Revel Command: 1
Class: Vettor Pisani Category: Armored Cruiser Armor: 8
Total Points: 52 Armor Points
The Balkan LeagueRussians:
Poltava Captain: Pyotr Senyavin Command: 2 - Flagship
Class: Imperatrista Mariya Category: Battleship Armor: 8
Oleg Captain: Aleksey Rozhestvensky Command: 2
Class: Bogatyr Category: Cruiser Armor: 7
Vityaz Captain: Georgy Vysotskiy Command: 2
Class: Bogatyr Category: Cruiser Armor: 7
Albatros Captain: Feliks Golokov Command: 3
Class: Krasnoye Category: Gunboat Armor: 5
Sova Captain: Vladimir Greig Command: 1
Class: Krasnoye Category: Gunboat Armor: 5
Brennus Captain: Theo Aube Command: 4
Class: Charles Martel Category: Heavy Cruiser Armor: 8
Primauguet Captain: Jean de Vienne Command: 4
Class: D’iberville Category: Cruiser Armor: 7
Total Points: 54 Armor Points
This attack and defense are so important, each fleet has their admiral present for the battle.
The MissionThe Ottoman forces are trying to force their way past the blocking Balkan League ships. If successful, they will be able to target and attack key Command and Control and Logistic centers behind enemy lines. This could cause the Balkan attack to crumble.
The Ottoman’s timed their attack to occur during a storm lashing the area. The clouds for the storm are at Altitude 3, and anyone below the cloud cover is considered in the storm. The normal rules found in Castles in the Sky apply.
Set-UpThe Ottoman League set-up on a long board edge in a wedge formation intent on smashing their way past the Balkan defenders and to victory. The attack was spearheaded by the Ottoman flagship the Sultan Mehid-II Fatih/ To the flagship port was the Italian San Bartolomeo, the Austrian Prince Eugene, Bravo Destroyer, and Barbaros Torpedo Boat. The Starboard side is the Mecidiye and the Basra. They are mostly at mid-heights going full speed, but above the cloud line.
The Balkan League defenders are split into two groups. They appear eager to close the center gap and cross the T of the Ottoman attackers. On the south side is the Russian Poltova flagship, followed by the Brennus and the Sova. On the North side is the Vityaz, Primauguet, Oleg, and then the Albatros. They are also at various altitudes, but they are move much slower to try to time their T-cross appropriately.
You can read the full battle here: