Nice interview..... good to see someone young being interested in game design AND entrepreneurship.
I have been in a similar position as Stickman when it comes to not being able to get the "ships" you need, so I just had to figure out how to make my own. I used paper templates, drawn ships, scratchbuilding, and even learned how to sculpt out my own. Where there is a will there is a way. I love the "craft" element to this game!
I liked his references of Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warships, and Battleship! I have often found many designers are so focused on "new and interesting" mechanic instead of just repurposing mechanics that we all ready know work! As a new designer, he didn't limit himself by looking for the "newest and bestest" mechanics. Then in playtesting going back to simplify the game and killing some of his "game design babies"! I love it!
More designers should listen to this interview as it encapsulates so much good advice.