Author Topic: E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt  (Read 2365 times)

Last Rites

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E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt
« on: October 06, 2013, 12:07:22 pm »
Had a great game at Eagle and Empire yesterday! For our third trip to the store, and the smallest fight between my Feds opposite the Blazing Suns, we decide to go with a light 800pt rulebook match. This didn't end up being the case...

The Lineup:

- Enterprise Class Dreadnaught w/ 3x ACA2 Freedom Class escorts
- Lexington Class Cruiser x3
- Lee Class Scoutship x2
- Guilford Class Destroyer x3
- 2x Squads of 4 Torpedo TFTs

- Hachiman Otsu-Gata Dreadnaught
- Arashi Class Support Cruisers x3
- Tanuki Class Gunship x2
- Uwatsu Class Frigate x3
- Uwatsu Class Frigate x3
- Torpedo TFT Squad
- Fighter TFT Squad

- Commanders were not allowed the luxury of game cards. While their orders were chosen at random from the rulebook secret from each other. Deployment zones were 13" boxes marked off 32" from top corner of each other. Then terrain was placed. Something more dynamic than lining up against a board edge.


10:53 am - Radios in each each fleet were a static of orders being barked out from commanders. Nearly inaudible to any untrained sailors. Luckily, there were no such men on theses decks today. They had known  and fought the enemy long enough to be brothers. Yet this was no time for respect, for there would be no fear and no mercy this morning. As men raced across the decks and throughout the ships, the static cleared enough to hear two phrases "DREADNAUGHT SPOTTED...MAN BATTLE STATIONS"


Turn 1:
Per the norm, the turn was a good bit of posturing on both sides. The EoBS Arashi sent off the first shots of the game. Firing an impressive 17 hits at my FSA DN. They would never see their mark, as the combined Ack Ack of the DN with his ACA2 escorts picked off every rocket.

The Lexingtons pulled into position and dropped anchor. Linking all rocket batteries against a Tanuki Gunship, the squad could only muster 1pt of damage.
-- -- ------

Turn 2:
Again the Arashi would make the first significant move, causing a critical hit to a Lex. Resulting with a fusion leak, and raging fire from the rockets themselves.

Mirroring the first turn the Lexingtons kept their guns trained on the damaged gunship. Letting their Orlington auto cannons respond for the damage done, scoring a crit (another fusion leak). While the rockets caused 1pt of damage to the other gunship in the squad.

Annoyed by their aggressors the Tanuki took advantage of the fusion leak, by matching the damage rating of the Lex. Finishing her off.

Blind by the first loss just received, an FSA TFT torpedo squad carefully lined up a another fusion leak crit to an Arashi Cruiser at full strength.

It was time for the Hachiman Otsu-Gata to speak its mind. Targeting a Lexington, it managed to cause a raging fire PLUS another 2 fires from the guns alone. Meanwhile the targeting systems in the rockets were unable to strike the bitter rival Enterprise DN.

Pulling up to the flank of the depleted Lexington unit my Destroyers were able to punch the ticket on the fusion leaked EoBS Gunship.

The Freedoms, which had been flying low hiding behind their DN, took to the skies. Unloading their spinning gattling arm cannons on the remaining gunship for 1pt. Likewise their champion was able to put 1pt on the Otsu-Gata using it's forward guns. While missing horribly with two rocket attacks on a distant Arashi.

Rounding out the turn my last TFT torp unit was able to knock out the engines on the lone EoBS Tanuki.

-- -------

Turn 3:

Seizing initiative the EoBS DN inflicted a crucial weapons damage critical hit to the Enterprise. Again using its flame gunnery to cause a raging fire.

Following this the Arashi linked 22 rockets into the last undamaged Lexington for a kill, and another salvo into the other. Sending the remains of the unit into the deep.

To fill the gap in the line, the Guilford Destroyers used their pack hunter MAR to remove all but the last point of damage on the Gunship, while coming just shy of damaging the EoBS DN.

Dropping down to avoid any possible return AA the Freedoms cleared the heavily damaged Tanuki from play. The Enterprise could not replicate this while suffering the crit to her AD. Using the kinetic generator on board to pull along side the Otsu-Gata, she was unable to punch a single hole into the enemy.

Flying through the waves, a unit of Uwatsu decimated every robot they could see. Leaving the FSA DN with out any support.

Turn 4:

With the first initiative win of the game, having removed the half AD crit, my Enterprise sprung to life. Still rushing forward from the kinetic boost it severed a Uwatsu in half with its ram. Delivering crushing broadsides to the Frigates on either side. Slightly higher up from the water line, all three Orlingtons were able to pop 2 more holes in the opposing DN. While ack ack shredded a near by fighter squadron.

This blistering display of fire power would not go unmatched. The Blazing Sun's Arashi let my destroyers have it. Not a single one was able to withstand the rain of rocket fueled destruction.

Having overseen the entire showdown, both Lee Scoutships could standby no longer. Their rockets were able to return punishment on the Uwatsu for what they had done to the ACA2s. Then gave the broadsides to the Frigate squad sandwiched between the DNs.

With the final move the EoBS Dread couldn't manage to clear a nearby island to board the Enterprise. Forced to use it's lend lease tesla generator to bring all guns on target, it missed woefully. Leaving both ships at 3 damage a piece.

End Report:

It was revealed that the FSA was to capture/kill at least 50% of the opposing force. Ending up at around 70pts less than what was needed. Wile the mission for the EoBS was to capture/kill all large models, it only scored 3 hit points also failing in its mission. Yet another draw as the difference in points didn't even clear 60pts.


 - Do not avoid the EoBS Arashi!! Even with throwing as much extra dice I could against them they withstood and put a hurting on the flanks. Not to mention a ridiculously high crit rating and HP value. Pumping out 20+ dice these are not to be trifled with.

- Was truly surprised that i was able to put the gunships out of commission. Again the high HP value means that you'll be trying to knock them out for the majority of the game.

- Getting the mental image of what it would look like to have the Enterprise firing off all its weapons systems is hard not to get wide eyed at...just saying

- Lexingtons are just gun platforms... :-[ Seriously regretting not taking two Princeton Gunships in their stead

- Joining us were my brother and a friend of his. We rolled the water map out to its full length where they played a 400pt Naval game using our spare models. Mostly a draw on their side as well, but for only the 3rd game or so they seemed to be getting a real grasp on how the mechanics worked. Brother has placed an order for some Ottomans, so i suppose that will be something to look out for in the near future.

- While playing had a few passers by take a look and mention that they too had some fleets. Hopefully as time goes on there will be more and more folks joining both on this forum and in games.

**Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, gonna try bringing a better camera in the future.**
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 12:21:18 pm by Last Rites »
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Re: E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 07:11:12 pm »
The pictures may be slightly blurred, but the angle and composition are both good--they certainly capture the drama of the engagement.  Those smoke plumes especially look good.


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Re: E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 08:55:30 pm »
Thanks for the write-up!  Thought the pics were fine.  How did you do the smoke/fire columns on the damaged ships?

Regarding the Lexington cruisers...I've had mixed results with them.  I find that they tend to stick around longer with shields.  But, they can dish out a ton of firepower, and for me they're worth bringing along.  While the gunships can hit targets at RB4, they seem to die quickly--more quickly than the cruisers.  Also, with only two gunships, their AD drops quickly as they take damage. 

But, that's just my experience.  Your mileage may vary.
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Re: E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 07:24:17 pm »
Nice report
Great models
Awesome smokes
Firestorm: Aquan, Directorate, Retholza, Hawker (FsA)/ Terran (FsPf), RSN (FsA)/ Dindrenzi (FsPf)
Warmaster: Kislev, Khemri, Dwarves,
BFG: Pacification Fleet (IN), Tau Expeditionary (SG), Battlefleet (Chaos), Kher-Ys Corsairs, Crusade Fleet (IN),
LotR: Khand, Gondor, Mordor

Last Rites

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Re: E&E Battle Report: Dreaded return FSA v EotBS 800pt
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2013, 08:23:52 pm »
Thanks all!

Think I've thought up a good way to handle the Arashi...flank um. Hopefully then they will be forced to turn away from other targets.

So my buddy made a ton of those raging fire tokens by using a bit of wire and clump foliage. Believe he just pva'd the heck out of it, then put a bit of paint on them. Turned out great and in all sizes.

We've been grinding away on some terrain for scenarios lately. Hopefully once things are done, can have an on going Sturginium War report to share.
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