I went big with the Italians, and waited, and waited, for a promised second round to make the fleet whole. This almost does it. Why no destroyers?
The BC, Hasta and Pilum are easy wins, the smalls seem redundant. The Sky Fortress, well, lets say it will be hard to compete with the Affondatore carrier. A Big ugly expensive 9 plane carrier? It better have more than it is showing or be cheaper than I expect. Like MASSIVE bomb capacity, and mucho hit points for 180 points. Somehow I doubt this. I expect, 220 points, 9 HP, 5 DR/8 CR, Shields (3), 9 SAS/carrier points, decent broadsides (maybe 8/6/5/4), and... that's it. Meh.
Something odd like Troop Reinforcement would shake up LOIS enemies, (Italians Boarding as a Tactic?)