Author Topic: New TAC Cards  (Read 2966 times)


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New TAC Cards
« on: September 30, 2014, 09:07:29 pm »
So, just as we had a previous thread about the STAR cards, I thought I would bring up the TAC cards of 2.0. Have you guys been using them? If so, what are some good strategies you've found for employing them? I've only played one game with them so far, and it seemed like the points system helped to even things out quite a bit.


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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2014, 12:39:25 am »
Not being able to discard and draw more cards has really limited my use of the new TAC cards. That, and the fact that your opponent has a much easier time canceling the effects (although he has to pay for it in VP), has made them a lot more valuable.  I think I was more a fan of the older method, however.  It threw a lot more variables into the game.
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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 07:06:09 am »
Not being able to discard and draw more cards has really limited my use of the new TAC cards. That, and the fact that your opponent has a much easier time canceling the effects (although he has to pay for it in VP), has made them a lot more valuable.  I think I was more a fan of the older method, however.  It threw a lot more variables into the game.

I agree. I think there was quite a bit more craziness going on before.
The way it works now seems to be actually pretty limiting. I notice that I hold onto them more rather then play them. 


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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 11:05:43 am »
I prefer the old version so far.

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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2014, 08:15:00 am »
The old cards were much more fun imo. I don't understand why they want you to build a deck, then only take a handful of options from that. Being able to discard unneeded cards for new ones should still be an option, at least. I could understand not being allowed to draw a new card after using one, however.
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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 09:59:48 am »
Are the new TAC cards even available anywhere yet?  They don't seem to be available for download on the Spartan Resources page and I haven't seen them on the shelf.


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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2014, 10:02:25 am »
Are the new TAC cards even available anywhere yet?  They don't seem to be available for download on the Spartan Resources page and I haven't seen them on the shelf.

I'm still using the old STAR cards.


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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2014, 08:49:37 pm »
Played a DW land game last night, I don't remember if I've used the new decks before or not (I don't think so).  I think I prefer the variety provided by the old rules/cards.  Although while still learning the new DW rules, it was kind of nice to not have to think about all the cards.  You know what you have and it makes you think a bit more tactically about when you should use them.  We only had the generic cards and no faction-specific ones (as have been alluded to in the rule book).  Those may bring back the flavor of the old way it was done. 


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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2014, 05:54:55 pm »
Are the new TAC cards even available anywhere yet?  They don't seem to be available for download on the Spartan Resources page and I haven't seen them on the shelf.

The cards are available in the Shadow Hunter box set and are also included in the newer fleet boxes. They only have the generic cards right now, though. No faction-specific cards have been made yet to the best of my knowledge.

The old cards were much more fun imo. I don't understand why they want you to build a deck, then only take a handful of options from that. Being able to discard unneeded cards for new ones should still be an option, at least. I could understand not being allowed to draw a new card after using one, however.

I think they are trying to strike a balance...while I personally liked the old STAR card system, all the anecdotal evidence seems to point to me being in the minority on this one. I think it just added a little too much randomness to the game for a lot of players. Really, looking at the cards, they aren't too different from the STAR cards as far as their effects. It's just that you now have to pay a cost to use them, which seems like a decent balancing mechanism to me.

As far as the building a deck and the choosing just a few options....not sure. I guess they are trying to give players the option to mitigate the disadvantages some fleet match-ups may run into?

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Re: New TAC Cards
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2014, 05:42:17 pm »
I was never really a fan of the old cards.  The old game was slower than slow with them in play. 

With the new canceling mechanic you both tend to use cards more judiciously and hoard the high cost ones for late game effect.  I like that.  So I'm a fan of the new cards.